My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, November 17, 2014

Father's Day and Daddy's Birthday 2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This year Father's Day was on Sunday, June 15th, which was the day after we got back from vacation. Your Granny Dows came over for a visit and we just had an easy day. Daddy wanted to go down to the creek and play in the water, so we packed up and headed to the triangle. You boys love playing in the creek water and it isn't too deep, so you both feel comfortable playing in the water.

Daddy and all his babies (even Piper)

After play time, we went back to the house and had a yummy garden fresh dinner and dessert. I made your Daddy's favorite cheesecake.

Daddy's birthday was the following weekend on June 22. Unfortunately, it was my weekend to work so we didn't get to celebrate properly. We got the chance the following weekend when we celebrated Independence Day. We got Daddy an ice cream cake and he got to blow out his candles. This year Daddy got a 4 wheeler for his special days. He really enjoys riding it and you boys love to ride it as well.

Daddy had such a great Father's Day and birthday this year. He was able to spend both days with his wonderful family and that is what mattered the most.

I love you,

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