My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Visit to Uncle Jeffrey's

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Several weekends ago we made the trek down to Spring City, Tennessee to see your Uncle Jeffrey, Melissa and Jacob. Uncle Jeffy had been nagging us for quite a while to come down, so we decided it was now or never! We made great time and you boys helped out by napping most of the trip. When we got there, you boys were ready to play. Jacob and Jeffrey were home and ready for the play challenge. You boys drug out all of Jacob’s toys and had a great time. Once Melissa got home from work, we went to a restaurant in town called Winstead’s. It was a nice little restaurant with a wide variety of items on the menu. Daddy ordered catfish; I got a personal mushroom pizza and Gage you got your favorite – chicken tenders. The food was delicious! After dinner we went back to their house and played until bedtime. We had a great visit with Jeffrey, Melissa and Jacob. You boys enjoyed playing together and seemed to get along, most of the time.

Jacob, Gabe and Gage
I love you,

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