My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Happy 10 Months, Gabe!!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I'm a little late with this post, but on October 5 Gabe, you celebrated your 10 month birthday. I've been taking pictures of you boys everyday, but for the monthly photos, I have been using the little stickers. Gabe, you hate these stickers. You try to pull them off as soon as I put them on your shirt. You don't like to sit still and are constantly on the go. Getting your monthly photo has become quite a challenge. I'm lucky to have gotten one at all!

Gabe Jaxson - 10/5/13, 10 months old

Gabe, you have been growing and developing so well. About a month ago you started to pull yourself up to stand. You have become very confident with your standing skills and you "walk" along the couch and chairs. You can't quite stand independently yet, but I expect that to come soon. You're eating extremely well. One meal a day, you eat table food. You will eat pretty much anything and you are not a picky eater. The only thing you didn't like was cooked carrots from our pot roast. Other than that, you can't get enough!

Gage Joseph - 11/28/11, 10 months old

You enjoy crawling around the house and playing where you shouldn't! I've caught you in the bathrooms playing in the toilet, hiding in closets and climbing the stairs. You are a curious little fella and so full of energy. You boys play really well together (most of the time) and love each other dearly. Gabe, you laugh at all the silly things Gage does and Gage, you eat it up!

I love being Mommy to you crazy boys! I wouldn't have it any other way!

Love you both more than words,

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