My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fun on the Stairs

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Recently, you boys have been having some fun on the stairs. Gabe, you have discovered how to climb up the stairs. We have found you at least three times making your way up to the second floor. We put a baby gate up at the bottom of the stairs, but that limits access to your bedroom, Gage. We take it down first thing in the morning and forget that you Gabe have become quite the climber.

Climbing the stairs

Caught you!

Gage, I don't know how or from whom you learned this, but this is your new trick on the stairs. You climb up five or six stairs and then ask for Mommy or Daddy to help you down. You're quite a nut!

Gage, the little monkey

I love you both,

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