My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Gage - The Photographer

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gage, you have become quite the photographer. You grab the camera when we aren't looking and go on a shooting spree. Most of the pictures aren't exactly what one would call "fine photography," but you have managed to get a few decent shots. I can't even count the number of blurred photos of toys, walls, floors, etc that I've deleted from the memory card. I suppose we should consider getting you a toy camera for Christmas. You would really love it!


"Toy Barn"
"Our House"

"Brother's snacks"

I love you,

Boyce Fall Festival 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

The Boyce General Store held their 2nd annual Fall Festival a few weekends ago. We love to attend the community events and they are always a fun time. The weather was anything but fall-like: sunny and in the 80's. We arrived just in time for lunch. We ate BBQ sandwiches while we watched the band play. After lunch, we went on a hayride around the "block." The ride took nearly 20 minutes, as country blocks are not the same as city blocks. You boys did pretty well on the hayride, but Gage, you started playing with the hay and threw it around. After we returned, we walked around looking at all the goodies at the booths. We really enjoyed our time at the Fall Festival.

Watching the band play

I love you,

Visit to Uncle Jeffrey's

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Several weekends ago we made the trek down to Spring City, Tennessee to see your Uncle Jeffrey, Melissa and Jacob. Uncle Jeffy had been nagging us for quite a while to come down, so we decided it was now or never! We made great time and you boys helped out by napping most of the trip. When we got there, you boys were ready to play. Jacob and Jeffrey were home and ready for the play challenge. You boys drug out all of Jacob’s toys and had a great time. Once Melissa got home from work, we went to a restaurant in town called Winstead’s. It was a nice little restaurant with a wide variety of items on the menu. Daddy ordered catfish; I got a personal mushroom pizza and Gage you got your favorite – chicken tenders. The food was delicious! After dinner we went back to their house and played until bedtime. We had a great visit with Jeffrey, Melissa and Jacob. You boys enjoyed playing together and seemed to get along, most of the time.

Jacob, Gabe and Gage
I love you,

Happy 10 Months, Gabe!!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I'm a little late with this post, but on October 5 Gabe, you celebrated your 10 month birthday. I've been taking pictures of you boys everyday, but for the monthly photos, I have been using the little stickers. Gabe, you hate these stickers. You try to pull them off as soon as I put them on your shirt. You don't like to sit still and are constantly on the go. Getting your monthly photo has become quite a challenge. I'm lucky to have gotten one at all!

Gabe Jaxson - 10/5/13, 10 months old

Gabe, you have been growing and developing so well. About a month ago you started to pull yourself up to stand. You have become very confident with your standing skills and you "walk" along the couch and chairs. You can't quite stand independently yet, but I expect that to come soon. You're eating extremely well. One meal a day, you eat table food. You will eat pretty much anything and you are not a picky eater. The only thing you didn't like was cooked carrots from our pot roast. Other than that, you can't get enough!

Gage Joseph - 11/28/11, 10 months old

You enjoy crawling around the house and playing where you shouldn't! I've caught you in the bathrooms playing in the toilet, hiding in closets and climbing the stairs. You are a curious little fella and so full of energy. You boys play really well together (most of the time) and love each other dearly. Gabe, you laugh at all the silly things Gage does and Gage, you eat it up!

I love being Mommy to you crazy boys! I wouldn't have it any other way!

Love you both more than words,

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Standing Tall

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe - On September 20th, you pulled yourself up to stand for the first time! We've been propping you up against the couch and your play table for a while now, but you've finally been able to do it on your own. Now that you've gotten the practice, you're standing everywhere: in the tub, on the couch, in the crib, on your toys. This makes bath time a bit more difficult, as you won't sit down long enough for me to rinse your hair. But we make it through! I can't believe how big you've gotten. You're growing up and developing so well!

Playing at the activity table with Gage

Tub time

Playing at the park

How we find you nearly every morning :)
I love you,

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Fun on the Stairs

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Recently, you boys have been having some fun on the stairs. Gabe, you have discovered how to climb up the stairs. We have found you at least three times making your way up to the second floor. We put a baby gate up at the bottom of the stairs, but that limits access to your bedroom, Gage. We take it down first thing in the morning and forget that you Gabe have become quite the climber.

Climbing the stairs

Caught you!

Gage, I don't know how or from whom you learned this, but this is your new trick on the stairs. You climb up five or six stairs and then ask for Mommy or Daddy to help you down. You're quite a nut!

Gage, the little monkey

I love you both,