My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vacation Day 3 (July 10, 2013)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We started our third day of vacation out with another run on the road along the beach. We didn't make it 6 miles this time, but did go for four. You both were great passengers once again and enjoyed the ride. When we got back to the condo, Daddy and I went down to the beach to set up the tent and chairs. As we were setting up the tent, we noticed people getting out of the water and a large crowd gathering just a few yards to the left of where we were. We stopped what we were doing to see what all the fuss was about. We didn't have to go far before we saw why no one was in the water - there was a shark swimming just feet from the beach! I couldn't believe it! I didn't have my camera or my phone with me, so I ran back to the condo to get them, you boys and Sissy. We hurried back down to the beach and the shark was still out in the water. We could tell it was a Hammerhead shark and it was about four feet long. It was swimming along the beach, back and forth. It seemed to be stuck where it was. There was a sand bar about 50 yards out that was keeping it in. Two guys on paddle boards made their way out to the shark and slapped around on the water. Eventually, after about 30 minutes of the shark swimming in the shallow 3 foot deep water, it made its way out to deeper water. Wow! What a crazy experience!

Close to the beach

Hammerhead shark

Trying to get the shark out to deeper water
 After all the excitement of the shark siting died down, we enjoyed our day on the beach. The sun was shining and there was a wonderful breeze. Gage, because of the shark, you were more afraid than before to get in the water. We were able to get you out to knee deep water, but that's as far as you went. Of course, we were all a little more cautious than the day before, looking around for signs of anymore sharks.

Just hanging out in the shade of the tent

Just a loungin'

Sissy under the tent

Gabe snoozing

Playing in the sand
After a day on the beach, we cleaned up and went out for dinner. While we were out running, I saw a restaurant on the beach called Captain Dave's. We decided to check it out. There was a bit of a wait for a table, but we stayed distracted by watching you Gage play on the racing game. We finally got a table and we had a nice view of the Gulf. We feasted on fried calamari, shrimp, mahi mahi and clams.

Killing time while we waited for a table at Capt. Dave's 
After dinner, we took our nightly dip in the pool. It started to get cloudy and we knew a storm was brewing. We were able to enjoy it for a little while before the lightning started.

Night dip in the pool
We had another great day on the beach!

I love you,

PS - Happy Birthday to Auntie NeeNee!

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