My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Gabe gets his first tooth

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On June 16th, Gabe, you cut your first tooth! You had been working on it for quite sometime, and it finally broke through the skin. Exactly one week later, your second tooth came in! Both of them are on the bottom, in the middle. You are working on more, and you like to chew everything in sight. You and I have had a discussion about when it is appropriate to bite/chew (playing with your toys) and when it isn't (while nursing). You're sneaky about it too. Daddy or I can be holding you against our shoulder, having cuddle time with our sweet boy and you will sneak a nibble. Yesterday, Daddy was holding you in the "football hold" and you bit his arm. Two tiny teeth indentations were left in his skin. Poor Daddy.

Gabe - 7/3/13
*note the appropriateness of the t-shirt!
Gage, you got your first tooth when you were nearly 5 months old. Both of your bottom middle teeth came in first as well. Don't for one second think you were a perfect angel with your teeth either! I can remember a few bites and they weren't pleasant!

Gage - 7/15/11
I love you both, and your precious teeth,

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