My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Payne "Farm"

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Ever since we moved back to Bowling Green after I graduated from UK, we have planted a garden. Each year, it seems to get a little bigger and we plant a few more vegetables. This year, we got our garden planted on March 31 during a four day stent of warm, dry weather. This helped us get a jump on the growing season and we have done really well so far this year. We've been eating on green beans, potatoes, squash, zucchini, beets, turnips, cabbage, green peppers and tomatoes. We put quite a bit of time into our garden (weeding, picking), but we enjoy every minute of it. Your Daddy works so hard to keep it nice and neat. He's the grower and I'm the picker/preserver. So far this year, we have canned 15 quarts of dill pickles, frozen 5 gallons of green beans, frozen bags of diced onions, breaded squash and zucchini and baked & frozen 4 loaves of zucchini bread. We don't like to let anything go to waste, so what we can't eat or preserve, we share with our family and friends.


Gabe, you have been able to enjoy the fresh vegetables as well. I have steamed and pureed squash, zucchini and beets for you. You love them!

Farmer Gabe

squash, zucchini and beet puree

turnips, beets and onions

zucchini bread

fresh basil

homemade pesto

large harvest

banana pepper and pickles

first red tomatoes - 7/3/13
I love you,

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