My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Happy 7 months, Gabe!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Another 5th of the month has rolled around, which means Gabe, you're one month older - 7 months old now, to be exact! I got out the fancy little sticker and set up everything to take the picture. You want to move, move, move all the time, so staging the photo shoot is a bit difficult. They're not the greatest photos, and since I'm not the greatest photographer, they'll just have to do! Gage, once I was finished taking brother's pictures, you wanted to wear the sticker and pose too! What a nut!

Gabe - 7/5/13

Gage - 7/5/13

Gage - 8/28/11 (7 months old with 6 teeth!)

I love you both,

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