My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Vacation Day 3 (July 10, 2013)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We started our third day of vacation out with another run on the road along the beach. We didn't make it 6 miles this time, but did go for four. You both were great passengers once again and enjoyed the ride. When we got back to the condo, Daddy and I went down to the beach to set up the tent and chairs. As we were setting up the tent, we noticed people getting out of the water and a large crowd gathering just a few yards to the left of where we were. We stopped what we were doing to see what all the fuss was about. We didn't have to go far before we saw why no one was in the water - there was a shark swimming just feet from the beach! I couldn't believe it! I didn't have my camera or my phone with me, so I ran back to the condo to get them, you boys and Sissy. We hurried back down to the beach and the shark was still out in the water. We could tell it was a Hammerhead shark and it was about four feet long. It was swimming along the beach, back and forth. It seemed to be stuck where it was. There was a sand bar about 50 yards out that was keeping it in. Two guys on paddle boards made their way out to the shark and slapped around on the water. Eventually, after about 30 minutes of the shark swimming in the shallow 3 foot deep water, it made its way out to deeper water. Wow! What a crazy experience!

Close to the beach

Hammerhead shark

Trying to get the shark out to deeper water
 After all the excitement of the shark siting died down, we enjoyed our day on the beach. The sun was shining and there was a wonderful breeze. Gage, because of the shark, you were more afraid than before to get in the water. We were able to get you out to knee deep water, but that's as far as you went. Of course, we were all a little more cautious than the day before, looking around for signs of anymore sharks.

Just hanging out in the shade of the tent

Just a loungin'

Sissy under the tent

Gabe snoozing

Playing in the sand
After a day on the beach, we cleaned up and went out for dinner. While we were out running, I saw a restaurant on the beach called Captain Dave's. We decided to check it out. There was a bit of a wait for a table, but we stayed distracted by watching you Gage play on the racing game. We finally got a table and we had a nice view of the Gulf. We feasted on fried calamari, shrimp, mahi mahi and clams.

Killing time while we waited for a table at Capt. Dave's 
After dinner, we took our nightly dip in the pool. It started to get cloudy and we knew a storm was brewing. We were able to enjoy it for a little while before the lightning started.

Night dip in the pool
We had another great day on the beach!

I love you,

PS - Happy Birthday to Auntie NeeNee!

Vacation Day 2 (July 9, 2013)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We started our first full day of vacation with a little exercise. I strapped you both in the double runner and took off down the road along the beach for a nice run. A lot of people had the same idea, so we saw a lot of runners. We got a lot of smiles and happy looks, and even a few "Way to Go's!" along our 6 mile run. Thank you both for being such great running buddies!

By the time we got back to the condo, it was time to make our way out to the beach. Daddy and I grabbed our tent and chairs and set them up on the beach while you all and Sissy got ready for the day. Lots of sunscreen later, we were out on the beach, enjoying the beautiful day. The weather was perfect! Lots of sunshine and a nice Gulf breeze. The sand was so white and pretty and the water was crystal clear. We could see all sorts of fish swimming around in schools. It was awesome! Last year when we went to Miramar Beach, the water wasn't as clear. This was the first year where we could see the sand below the water. 

Just chillin' on the beach
Gage, you were a little afraid to be out in the water. Both Daddy and I took you out into the waist deep water in our arms and you held on for dear life. You liked how refreshing the water felt, but didn't want to be submerged. You really liked playing in the sand and "building" sand castles (more like destroying sand castles, ha). Poor Daddy would get some towers made and you would come right after him and kick them over! You also liked to run up to the water and get your feet wet. As soon as the tiny waves would crash in, you would take off running the other way.

Gabe, you didn't mind the water at all. You seemed to really enjoy being out there with us. You also loved the sand, and I'm pretty sure you had a few tastes. It seems like right now, everything goes into your mouth! Luckily, you weren't quite crawling at the time of our vacation, so as long as we put you down in the middle of the blanket, you stayed away from the sand. You took a few long naps during our day on the beach.

Gage and Daddy in the water

Playtime for Gabe


Snoozing on the beach. Beach bumming is hard work!
We took a break for lunch and then spent the rest of the afternoon Gulf side. We took a kite with us and after several failed attempts, we finally got the kite flying. I made the mistake of letting you, Gage, hold on the the string. You thought it would be funny to throw it into the air. The kite took off and nearly flew to the road. Luckily, the handle with the string was heavy enough to catch in some of the grass and pull the kite down. I looked quite ridiculous running through the sand, chasing after the kite. After that, we decided NOT to fly the kite anymore.

Gage and Mommy before the great kite chase
After a day full of beach fun, we packed up and went back to the condo. We planned on cooking dinner that night, but did go to a nearby restaurant for some oysters. Gage, you hadn't taken a nap all day, so once you were in the stroller for the 3 minute walk to Rick's Crap Trap, you fell asleep. You didn't get to eat any oysters with us since we all know what kind of bear you are when you're woken up early from a nap.

Eating oysters - Gabe is so sad he couldn't have any. Poor thing.
Snoozing Gage
After we finished our oysters, we went back to the condo to get dinner ready. Gage, you helped Daddy grill the shrimp while I cooked our sides. We brought several garden vegetables with us, so it was a nice home grown feast. While you were outside with Daddy, you made some new friends. Another family from Texas was staying in the same facility as us and they had a 4 year old son named Gage, too. You were confused at first that there was another Gage, but you got over it pretty quickly. Of course when we wanted you, we would have to yell "Gage Joseph" and they would yell "Gage Terry." There was also a younger boy named Raider. You had a lot of fun playing with them!

Gage Terry, Gage Joseph and Raider
We had a great day on the beach!

I love you,

Vacation Day 1 (July 8, 2013)

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Monday July 8, we left Kentucky and made our way down to the Emerald Coast. Gage, you made this trip last year, but Gabe, this was your first long car ride and first trip to see the Gulf. We left out as soon as I got off work and made it to our condo by 4 pm. We hit some rain along the way, but had no major issues. We drove in 4 states, two of which were new for you Gabe.

Once we got the vehicle unloaded and our things unpacked, we made our way down to the beach. It had been raining that day, so the sky was a little overcast. We walked along the beach and got our feet wet. Gage, you were so excited to see the big water. You were running and playing and having a great time. Gabe, you just stared and stared out at the big, big water.

Strolling along the beach with Daddy

Enjoying the beach
We went back to the condo and got ready to go out for dinner. We walked to a restaurant about a quarter of a mile down the road. We walked on the deck along the beach and looked out at the beautiful view. We visited a place called Whale's Tail where we ate fresh seafood. We had smoked tuna dip and crackers as an appetizer. Gage, you liked the dip, but I think you enjoyed the crackers more. We ordered a popcorn shrimp kiddie platter for your entree. You ate up the shrimp and french fries! It was all delicious.

Posing after dinner
We made the trek back to the condo, looking out at the water along the way. We stopped and took a few pictures too. We made a quick trip to the grocery store to stock up on food for the week. We got back and put all the groceries away. Since it was still a little too early for bed, we decided to take a quick dip in the pool. We met some nice people from Texas at the pool. Jackson, Jorie and Jance were playing with a ball and glo-sticks, so Gage, you thought they were pretty cool. You didn't really like being "in" the water and opted for floating on top of a raft. You liked to throw the ball out to the deep end and the kids would bring it back!  After a nice time out in the pool, it was time to get ready for bed. We were all tired from the long day of travel and needed to rest up for the fun of the week ahead.

I love you,

Friday, July 19, 2013

Gabe is crawling!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

A new milestone has been reached in the Payne household. Gabe, you "crawled" for the first time on July 15. You've got the motions down pat, but you still lack fluidity. You almost look a little robotic with your movements, but I consider it a crawling success. Once you get more practice, you'll be everywhere. You manage to make your way around the living room and out to the hallway. You've already started to get into the drawers of the entertainment center. Let the real fun begin! Gage, you really enjoy playing on the floor with Gabe and showing him all your tricks.

I love you both,

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Payne "Farm"

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Ever since we moved back to Bowling Green after I graduated from UK, we have planted a garden. Each year, it seems to get a little bigger and we plant a few more vegetables. This year, we got our garden planted on March 31 during a four day stent of warm, dry weather. This helped us get a jump on the growing season and we have done really well so far this year. We've been eating on green beans, potatoes, squash, zucchini, beets, turnips, cabbage, green peppers and tomatoes. We put quite a bit of time into our garden (weeding, picking), but we enjoy every minute of it. Your Daddy works so hard to keep it nice and neat. He's the grower and I'm the picker/preserver. So far this year, we have canned 15 quarts of dill pickles, frozen 5 gallons of green beans, frozen bags of diced onions, breaded squash and zucchini and baked & frozen 4 loaves of zucchini bread. We don't like to let anything go to waste, so what we can't eat or preserve, we share with our family and friends.


Gabe, you have been able to enjoy the fresh vegetables as well. I have steamed and pureed squash, zucchini and beets for you. You love them!

Farmer Gabe

squash, zucchini and beet puree

turnips, beets and onions

zucchini bread

fresh basil

homemade pesto

large harvest

banana pepper and pickles

first red tomatoes - 7/3/13
I love you,

Happy 7 months, Gabe!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Another 5th of the month has rolled around, which means Gabe, you're one month older - 7 months old now, to be exact! I got out the fancy little sticker and set up everything to take the picture. You want to move, move, move all the time, so staging the photo shoot is a bit difficult. They're not the greatest photos, and since I'm not the greatest photographer, they'll just have to do! Gage, once I was finished taking brother's pictures, you wanted to wear the sticker and pose too! What a nut!

Gabe - 7/5/13

Gage - 7/5/13

Gage - 8/28/11 (7 months old with 6 teeth!)

I love you both,

Gabe gets his first tooth

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On June 16th, Gabe, you cut your first tooth! You had been working on it for quite sometime, and it finally broke through the skin. Exactly one week later, your second tooth came in! Both of them are on the bottom, in the middle. You are working on more, and you like to chew everything in sight. You and I have had a discussion about when it is appropriate to bite/chew (playing with your toys) and when it isn't (while nursing). You're sneaky about it too. Daddy or I can be holding you against our shoulder, having cuddle time with our sweet boy and you will sneak a nibble. Yesterday, Daddy was holding you in the "football hold" and you bit his arm. Two tiny teeth indentations were left in his skin. Poor Daddy.

Gabe - 7/3/13
*note the appropriateness of the t-shirt!
Gage, you got your first tooth when you were nearly 5 months old. Both of your bottom middle teeth came in first as well. Don't for one second think you were a perfect angel with your teeth either! I can remember a few bites and they weren't pleasant!

Gage - 7/15/11
I love you both, and your precious teeth,