My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, January 25, 2013

Visit to Snake Run

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On January 14, we went up to Fort Branch to visit your Great Grandparents. This was the first time for them to meet you Gabe, and I was so excited to introduce them to you. You both were well behaved boys and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Grandma made us a wonderful spaghetti lunch and blackberry dumplings for dessert. We even sang Happy Birthday to me and to you Gage (since your 2nd birthday is coming up soon). We played in the basement and had a lot of fun. We all had a great visit and I can't wait until we can go back again.

Gabe with Great Grandma Pat and Great Grandpa Steve

Gage getting hugs from Great Grandpa

Getting love from Great Grandma :)

I love you,

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