My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy Birthday Momma!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On January 19, I celebrated my birthday. I know 29 doesn't seem very old (or maybe it does to you both), but I'm sad to know I have one year left of my twenties. Turning thirty means no more youth, although I've got you boys to keep me young (or to turn me prematurely gray, lol). I have compiled a list of things I want to accomplish before I turn the big three oh. It doesn't seem like much, but these are some things I want to do. I tried to make them as realistic as possible, as I only have a year to complete them and I have two young boys at home. No skydiving, visiting Ireland, taking an Alaskan cruises or seeing all 50 states. Those will happen in time. Hopefully before I'm fifty! Here's my practical list:

1. Complete a full marathon
2. Return to pre-Gabe weight
3. Set up college funds for you both
4. Learn to use my camera to its full potential (outside of auto mode)
5. Complete 2012 scrapbooks
6. Complete 2013 scrapbooks
7. Read 10 new books
8. Fully furnish the dining room
9. Pay off the car
10. Have a picnic at Barren River Lake
11. Unspoken wish - it's in God's hands

I had a great birthday. I got to spend it, in part, with my boys. The other part was spent at the WAG, helping the lovely people of Bowling Green. I got up early and had a nice dinner. Daddy surprised me with a homemade German Chocolate cake. He got our 16X20 family photo framed for me too. Thank you all for a wonderful day!

Gage, you were so eager to blow out the candles.
Gabe, you were worn out from the festivities.

I love you dearly,

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