My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas baking

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This year I decided to make homemade ornaments. Your Dows had seen an idea online about making little Santa Clauses using a child's handprint. I didn't want to make Santa Claus, but instead use your prints to make  keepsake ornaments. Gage, your hand worked perfectly for a large round ornament. Gabe, I couldn't get your hand to spread out, so I just used your foot. After the ornaments baked and dried, I painted them and wrote your names on the back. They're not perfect, but I am very happy with how they turned out.

Gage's Hand
Gabe's Foot
Gage, on Christmas Eve, you helped me make cookies. I mixed up some sugar cookie dough and rolled it out on the counter. You used cookie cutters to cut out a variety of Christmas designs. You really liked helping me make the cookies and you loved eating them too. They were delicious!

Ready to bake
Cutting out cookies
The finished cookies - not too pretty, but tasty :)
I love you,

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