My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, January 25, 2013

Visit to Snake Run

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On January 14, we went up to Fort Branch to visit your Great Grandparents. This was the first time for them to meet you Gabe, and I was so excited to introduce them to you. You both were well behaved boys and I couldn't have asked for anything better. Grandma made us a wonderful spaghetti lunch and blackberry dumplings for dessert. We even sang Happy Birthday to me and to you Gage (since your 2nd birthday is coming up soon). We played in the basement and had a lot of fun. We all had a great visit and I can't wait until we can go back again.

Gabe with Great Grandma Pat and Great Grandpa Steve

Gage getting hugs from Great Grandpa

Getting love from Great Grandma :)

I love you,

Rub-a-dub-dub, two boys in a tub

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We decided to conserve a little water and bathe you boys together. It went a lot better than I had expected. Gage, you weren't too eager about sharing your cup, but everything worked out just fine. Gabe, you seemed a little on the defensive during the bath and I can't say I don't blame you. You never know what that big brother is going to do!

All clean and ready for Night ,Night
I love you,

Happy Birthday Momma!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On January 19, I celebrated my birthday. I know 29 doesn't seem very old (or maybe it does to you both), but I'm sad to know I have one year left of my twenties. Turning thirty means no more youth, although I've got you boys to keep me young (or to turn me prematurely gray, lol). I have compiled a list of things I want to accomplish before I turn the big three oh. It doesn't seem like much, but these are some things I want to do. I tried to make them as realistic as possible, as I only have a year to complete them and I have two young boys at home. No skydiving, visiting Ireland, taking an Alaskan cruises or seeing all 50 states. Those will happen in time. Hopefully before I'm fifty! Here's my practical list:

1. Complete a full marathon
2. Return to pre-Gabe weight
3. Set up college funds for you both
4. Learn to use my camera to its full potential (outside of auto mode)
5. Complete 2012 scrapbooks
6. Complete 2013 scrapbooks
7. Read 10 new books
8. Fully furnish the dining room
9. Pay off the car
10. Have a picnic at Barren River Lake
11. Unspoken wish - it's in God's hands

I had a great birthday. I got to spend it, in part, with my boys. The other part was spent at the WAG, helping the lovely people of Bowling Green. I got up early and had a nice dinner. Daddy surprised me with a homemade German Chocolate cake. He got our 16X20 family photo framed for me too. Thank you all for a wonderful day!

Gage, you were so eager to blow out the candles.
Gabe, you were worn out from the festivities.

I love you dearly,

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Merry Christmas 2012

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We had a great Christmas season this past year. We celebrated over several days and you boys got tons of presents. On Christmas Eve, your Poppa came over for dinner. Gabe, this was your first time meeting Poppa, and you were such a good boy. Gage, you really enjoyed playing with Poppa.

Poppa holding Gabe for the first time!
Poppa and the Payne boys
On Christmas Day, we enjoyed a nice day at home. We woke up to presents under the tree! Gage, you really enjoyed opening all of your presents and you even helped me open mine. You really liked all of your toys and were so eager to play with everything.

Tricycle for both boys

A covered wagon for both boys

Gage opening up his matching cards and puzzle

It's Mr Potato Head

Toy Story figurines

Playing on Momma's new cookware

Gage and Sissy playing with Mr Potato Head
On December 26, we had my side of the family over for dinner and gift exchange. We had a yummy dinner of turkey, ham and sides and some tasty desserts. After eating, we exchanged gifts. Gage, you got a Jake and the Neverland Pirates bath toy, PJ's and cars and Gabe, you got your very first piggy bank and a hand/foot stamp kit.

Gage opening his bath toy

One big happy family

Gabe's First Christmas!
We were very blessed this Christmas season and I am so happy to have you both in my life. I love you both dearly!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Happy One Month, Gabe!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe - Yesterday (1/5/13) you celebrated your one month birthday! It's hard to believe you've already reached that milestone. To prove how much of a big boy you are, you slept for six straight hours last night. That was a nice relief for me!

I joined the bandwagon and purchased some of the monthly stickers to take your pictures with. Gage, I'm sorry I didn't do that for you. Please forgive me. Below is a picture of each of you boys on your one month birthdays.

Gabe Jaxson

Gage Joseph
I love you both,

Happy New Year 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We rang in 2013 with a quiet night at home. Sarah K, Sarah S, and Dawn came over to celebrate with us. We feasted on finger foods and fondue and watched some of The Walking Dead marathon. We reflected on the wonderful times 2012 brought us, including the addition of you, Gabe, to our family. We have a lot of great memories from 2012 and hope to make many more in 2013.

Gage wearing a New Year's Tiara

Gabe wearing the New Year's Tiara

Happy New Year from the Paynes!!
I love you both so much,

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas baking

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This year I decided to make homemade ornaments. Your Dows had seen an idea online about making little Santa Clauses using a child's handprint. I didn't want to make Santa Claus, but instead use your prints to make  keepsake ornaments. Gage, your hand worked perfectly for a large round ornament. Gabe, I couldn't get your hand to spread out, so I just used your foot. After the ornaments baked and dried, I painted them and wrote your names on the back. They're not perfect, but I am very happy with how they turned out.

Gage's Hand
Gabe's Foot
Gage, on Christmas Eve, you helped me make cookies. I mixed up some sugar cookie dough and rolled it out on the counter. You used cookie cutters to cut out a variety of Christmas designs. You really liked helping me make the cookies and you loved eating them too. They were delicious!

Ready to bake
Cutting out cookies
The finished cookies - not too pretty, but tasty :)
I love you,

Gage's Flash Cards (10/9/12)

Dear Gage,

You love looking at your flash cards and I took a video of you going through some of them in early October. You do a great job identifying the objects on the cards, and your vocabulary is expanding quite well.

I love you,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas Photo Shoot

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I got us all together to take some photos for our Christmas card. I dressed you boys in matching shirts and we all got in front of the Christmas tree. I attached the camera to the tripod and set a timer. I had it take multiple shots which Gage, you thought was really neat. It actually kept your attention and had you look at the camera. I was very pleased with how all the photos turned out and I loved our Christmas cards.

Family photo

Sissy and Gabe

Sweet boys

Merry Christmas from the Paynes

Gabe, I took some newborn/Christmas pictures of you. I'm not much of a photographer, but I thought they were cute.

Baby Santa

Santa is sleeping on the job

Sweet sleepy boy

Cute little tootsies
I love you,