My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fun Friday

Dear Gage,

Today, Daddy went to shoot guns with Brian so you and I went to town. I decided to check out a yard sale on Steeplechase way and then go to the park. The yard sale was an estate sale and I wanted to take a look at the furniture. We're getting the carpet laid in two weeks upstairs so we need to start thinking about furnishing it. The sale advertised furniture and a bunk bed set. The suit came with a dresser, mirror, chest and the bunk beds all for $225. That is a very reasonable price, but they weren't in the color I was wanting. And besides, we haven't even carpeted upstairs yet. We'd have no place to put the furniture.

We went to Kereiakes park and went for a walk. You in your Jeep stroller and me pushing you along. After about 5 minutes of walking, I decided to start a little jog. I jogged and you slept. We went three laps to equal 3.75 miles covered. I jogged at a very snail like pace for a little over 3 miles and it felt really good. Your brother was also a good rider and seemed to sleep the whole way too :)

Snoozing in the Jeep. Riding for 3.75 miles is exhausting work.
After our run, we went to Subway to have lunch. You got a turkey and provolone on wheat and I got the veggie patty on wheat. You didn't care much for the bread and instead ate the turkey, cheese and pickles. You also helped me eat my chips and you finished you entire pouch of apples.

Eating your turkey sandwich
When we were finished eating, I wanted to change my clothes so we could run some errands. As I lifted you out of the high chair, I noticed you had had an accident. A very big accident. I gathered up our things and went to the restroom. As I was getting ready to see how bad the mess was I noticed there was no changing table! Agh. Since I had planned to change my clothes anyway, I used my running clothes as a mat for the floor and then proceeded to clean you up. It was at least a 10 wipe job and you needed the fresh pair of clothes in your back pack. I'm glad I was prepared :)

Once we got home from our errands, I got you changed into your swim diaper and shorts and we went to play in the little pool. You splashed around, played basketball, and had a great time :)

Playing basketball in the pool

Slam dunk!
I went and got Sissy this evening and when we got back we ate a yummy taco dinner. After dinner we watched a movie and ate popcorn. Tonight was the first time you've ever had popcorn and you loved it! You had both hands in the bowl and you were a little overprotective with the bowl. But you eventually shared and were a good boy.

Yummy popcorn
We had a great Friday! Thank you for being such a good boy!

I love you,

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