My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day Family Celebration

Dear Gage,

Yesterday was Labor Day and we decided to have a little family get together to celebrate the holiday. I got off work at 7 in the morning and came home to get things ready. I cleaned the house while you watched Elmo. You and Daddy then went to town to grab a few last minute items while I finished with the cleaning. I got the house smelling fresh and clean and then took a little nap so I would be rested for the evening.

I got up around 4 and started to get food ready. We did a potluck type thing so I didn't have to do too much cooking. I went out to the garden and picked some green peppers, tomatoes and okra. I put together a veggie tray, made spinach dip, and made macaroni and cheese and Daddy manned the grill and made some yummy hamburgers and hotdogs. Dows brought potato salad and apple pie, Matt and Beth brought baked beans, and Olicia brought some very tasty "homemade" cookies. Dows also fried up some of the okra from the garden.

We had a full house and lots of fun. Our list of guests included Sissy, Dows, Matt, Beth, Jude, Molly, Olicia, Jett, Kristine, Kaydence, cousin Allyson, and Sarah K. Before we ate, you played with all your cousins. The boys decided to get all the balls out of the ball pit and scatter them throughout the house. Once the mess was noticed, I immediately regretting buying those extra balls at a yard sale last weekend. Once all the balls were reunited with their pit, it was time to eat. We all sat down to enjoy the yummy feast. In the middle of dinner we noticed that you had, instead of eating, opted to use the down time for a nap! We let you sleep while we finished eating and cleaning up.

Food makes you sleepy
We wanted to make sure you made the most of your time with everyone, so we woke you up to play with everyone. We all had such a great time catching up with each other and you kids loved all the playtime. I'm so glad everyone was able to make it!
Family photo taken by Allyson with theatrical performance by Sarah K to
get the kiddos looking in the correct general direction.

I love you,

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