My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, August 18, 2012

First Kiss

Dear Gage,

Last Thursday, the Salyer family came over to our house for a visit. We had a nice cookout, followed by a bon fire and S'Mores. You and Emma played so well together! You both shared toys and took turns on the swings and slide. At the fire, you tried to show off by throwing sticks in the fire, but we kept you distracted with a few fireworks and roasted marshmallows. When the evening came to a close and it was time for Emma to leave, we were giving out hugs. I told you to give Emma a kiss, thinking it would be on the cheek, and you went right in for the lips! You sort of looked around first to make sure it was ok, and then proceeded with an open mouth kiss!  Dustin wasn't particularly pleased and I'm pretty sure you got a disapproving look :) We're going to have to make sure to keep an eye on you two when you get older!

Double swinging with Emma

Swinging with Emma

Eating a S'More with Daddy

Watching Sesame Street with Emma

"Is it OK to kiss her?"

Moving in

Sweet kiss!
I love you,

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