My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, May 30, 2011

Life Lessons from a third shift pharmacist

Dear Gage,

I learned some important lessons last night and felt the need to pass them along:

1. Don't wait until a cat bite gets infected before seeing a doctor. You will end up at Walgreens at 1am with three antibiotic prescriptions from the ER.
2. Don't wrestle with an 8lb Westie when he isn't in the mood. You will end up at Walgreens at 2am with an antibiotic prescription from the ER and part of your lip missing.
3. Don't try to break up a fight between a labrador and an English bulldog. You will end up at Walgreens at 3am with an antibiotic prescription from the ER and bandages on both hands.
4. Don't pharmacy hop with your benzo rx's. We will catch you.

Love you,

Friday, May 27, 2011

Tummy Time

Dear Gage,

Historically, tummy time has not been your favorite activity. However, today you really seemed to enjoy it. . . until you got tuckered out. Too cute!

Love you,

Happy for tummy time

Tuckered out from tummy time

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Play Mat Collapse

Dear Gage,

Today Daddy found you under the debris of your collapsed play mat! It appears you got excited dancing and playing and kicked it over. No casualties were reported.

Love you bunches!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Rocking your kicks

Dear Gage,

You looked so handsome today in your new kicks! Baby shoes, albeit impractical, are just so darn cute!

Love you bunches!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Dear Gage,

On Sunday, one week shy of your 4 month birthday, you tried spoon-fed cereal for the first time! You have had cereal mixed with breast milk in a bottle before, but this was something new. You were a little skeptical at first and you kept wanting to put your hands in your mouth. Daddy had to hold your hands down just so we could feed you! Once you got the hang of it, you really seemed to enjoy eating from a spoon. Of course, we caught a little video of the action!! It is so awesome to watch you grow and develop. Such a big boy!!

I love you more than you'll ever know!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fun week

Dear Gage,

What a fun-filled week we had! Mommy was off work this week, so that meant lots of Mommy-time! On Wednesday, your cousin Jett came over to visit and ended up spending two nights with us. You had a lot of fun watching Jett play MarioKart on the Wii.

Saturday we went to Indiana for your Auntie NeeNee's baby shower. We stopped by to visit with Grandma and Grandpa beforehand and you were such a good and happy boy! Grandpa kept making you laugh! At the shower, you got to visit with your great-aunts and cousins, and they just couldn't get enough of you! Auntie NeeNee got some really awesome gifts for baby KEH, including a stroller/carseat combo, Cradle/swing, diaper bag, blankets, and so much more.

Today, you went to visit tattoo Jon with Daddy and then spent a lot of time outside enjoying the beautiful day. You "helped" Daddy make some tomato cages while Mommy cleaned the house and did laundry. We had a really great week. Mommy goes back to work tomorrow, but that means you get lots of Daddy-time!

I love you whole bunches!!

Helping Daddy :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Dear Gage,

Today you turned on your ladybug all by yourself! You can now dance whenever your little heart desires!!

I love to watch this video clip from April when you danced your little heart out to the ladybug!
Love you,

Friday, May 20, 2011

Blog change

Dear Gage,

Mommy decided to change blogs! This one allows me to upload funny (and embarrassing) videos of you! Yay!

I love you,

Mr. Chuckles (5/17/11)

Dear Gage,

I was playing with you on your play mat and you started to belly laugh so hard. The sound of your laugh is one of the greatest sounds in the whole world! You are so sweet and so precious!

I love you whole bunches,

Toboggan Fiasco (5/17/11)

Dear Gage,

On Monday, we went outside to help Daddy finish up the addition to his building.  Because it was so chilly outside, I put a toboggan on your little head.  You were sitting in your car seat while I helped Daddy hang one of the boards. We turned our heads away from you for 30 seconds and when we looked back, you had pulled the toboggan down over your eyes. It was so sad and funny, all at the same time! Poor little guy. I was quick to come to your rescue, but not before clipping a little video!

I love you,

Mother's Day Gift (5/13/11)

Dear Gage,

Thank you so much for getting my WKU diploma framed for Mother's Day! I love it!! I can't wait to see my UK diploma and pharmacist license frames! You are just so thoughtful!!

Love you whole bunches,


Little Piglet (5/12/11)

Dear Gage,

Last night Mommy fed you and put you to bed before coming to work at 10pm, but she got a text message from daddy at 10:10 saying you had woken up. Bright eyed and bushy tailed. Silly boy. Night time is for sleeping. You have been doing so well that past 3 weeks about going to bed and sleeping up
until at least 730 or 8am. What has changed this week? Three nights in a row you have woken up soon after being put to bed.

Well last night you started acting hungry, even though I fed you before I left. Daddy decided to try putting cereal in a bottle. This was your first time with cereal, so we were both a little nervous, but 1 tablespoon of cereal in 3 ounces of milk later, you were fast asleep! My little piglet!! I hope you're going through a growth spurt because mommy won't be able to keep up with your needs! I can't wait to start you on spoon fed cereal in a couple of weeks.

Love you whole bunches!

First Time (5/11/11)

Dear Gage,

I have decided to write a blog for you, reflecting on your milestones and day-to-day activities. I am new to this, so please bear with me! Because you are already 3 1/2 months old, there will be a lot of posts reflecting on the things we have already missed.

Mommy is back to work this week, which means she's working while you are sleeping. Daddy has been doing such a good job taking care of you through the night and through the day while I'm asleep. I really miss you when I'm gone, but I look forward to the next week when I'm off work and home with you. I do get to spend time with you in the mornings when I get home from work and in the evenings when I wake up. Not to mention the midafternoon feedings. We've gotten a system figured out and it seems to be working really well! You haven't forgotten who I am yet, so that's a plus!

I love you very much sweetheart and there will be plenty more letters to come!
