My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Running Buddies

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I have a single occupant running stroller that I used to use all the time with you, Gage. Since brother came along, a single running stroller just won't do anymore. I ordered a double runner online and was so excited when it finally arrived. Your Daddy put it together for me and before long, we were ready for a run. I took both you boys to Kereiakes Park for it's maiden voyage. My friend Therisa met us at the park for the run, and I am so glad she did! In my mind, I imagined us running together with ease through the rolling hills of the park, but reality hit on the first hill. This was going to be harder than I thought. Luckily Therisa was there to help out on the steep hills and we alternated pushing the stroller every half lap, while helping each other up the hills. We managed to run four laps which totaled 5 miles! It was a great run and an awesome workout. You boys both fell asleep halfway through, so you were great passengers.

Ready for our first trip in the double runner

We have gone several times since. One time we went with Jennifer and a few other times we met up with Elizabeth and baby Caroline. We've tried to make it a routine to go every other week for a run. On our last run, Elizabeth took over and pushed you boys while I pushed Miss Caroline. What a difference one less child makes (you boys weigh around 50 pounds combined).

Miss Caroline ready to roll

Running buddies

After we make our rounds on the track, we stop at the playground to play. Gage, you really love the little bridge and the slides. You get really excited to see the other kids and you have made a few little friends. We always have a great time at the park. I really enjoy running with you boys, even if I'm huffing and puffing. I love that this is something we can do together!

Playing on the playground
I love you boys,

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