My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dinner and pool time with the Salyers

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Last week, we were invited over for dinner at the Salyer's house. We hadn't seen them in quite some time, so it was nice to visit and catch up. They have a lovely pool, so we donned our suits and took a swim. Gage, I think the idea of swimming was more fun for you than the actual act of swimming. You weren't a big fan of being out there in the water and you were much happier either in the boat, or on the steps. Gabe, you enjoyed being in the water with Mommy. You kicked your little legs and arms and splashed around. Emma is a little water bug! She was out there with her floaties, swimming around and having a lot of fun.

Independent Emma and boat fairing boy

In the pool for the first time

Pool time with Mommy

After swimming, we sat down to a yummy dinner. Gage, you and Emma sat at a separate table to eat dinner. I don't know if that was the best idea for you, because you spent more time playing than eating. We had a lot of fun with the Salyers and we can't wait to do it again!

Dinner date with Emma

Lovings from Amanda
I love you,

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