My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Yesterday, your Daddy celebrated his 32nd birthday! Unfortunately it's my week to work, so we didn't get to have a big celebration. We semi celebrated last weekend on Father's Day and his present was for both special days. My friend Sarah helped me out by picking up the Reese's Ice Cream Cake from Dairy Queen, so we had something in which to put the candles. You boys helped me make a birthday card and we sang Happy Birthday. Daddy got to spend time with all his kiddos, so he really had a great birthday.

Daddy posing with his boys

Gage helping Daddy blow out the candles

Yummy yummy!
I love you,

Running Buddies

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I have a single occupant running stroller that I used to use all the time with you, Gage. Since brother came along, a single running stroller just won't do anymore. I ordered a double runner online and was so excited when it finally arrived. Your Daddy put it together for me and before long, we were ready for a run. I took both you boys to Kereiakes Park for it's maiden voyage. My friend Therisa met us at the park for the run, and I am so glad she did! In my mind, I imagined us running together with ease through the rolling hills of the park, but reality hit on the first hill. This was going to be harder than I thought. Luckily Therisa was there to help out on the steep hills and we alternated pushing the stroller every half lap, while helping each other up the hills. We managed to run four laps which totaled 5 miles! It was a great run and an awesome workout. You boys both fell asleep halfway through, so you were great passengers.

Ready for our first trip in the double runner

We have gone several times since. One time we went with Jennifer and a few other times we met up with Elizabeth and baby Caroline. We've tried to make it a routine to go every other week for a run. On our last run, Elizabeth took over and pushed you boys while I pushed Miss Caroline. What a difference one less child makes (you boys weigh around 50 pounds combined).

Miss Caroline ready to roll

Running buddies

After we make our rounds on the track, we stop at the playground to play. Gage, you really love the little bridge and the slides. You get really excited to see the other kids and you have made a few little friends. We always have a great time at the park. I really enjoy running with you boys, even if I'm huffing and puffing. I love that this is something we can do together!

Playing on the playground
I love you boys,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy Father's Day 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This past Sunday we celebrated Father's Day. Sissy was able to come over so Daddy got to spend the day with all his kiddos. We had a very relaxed day. We played outside in the pool and grilled out for dinner. We are so happy and blessed to have such a wonderful Daddy. He loves you boys so very much and we love him!

Happy Father's Day!

Daddy playing with Gabe in the pool

Daddy and his babies (and his homemade cheesecake from me and one from Sissy)

Homemade Father's Day card
I love you,

Dinner and pool time with the Salyers

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Last week, we were invited over for dinner at the Salyer's house. We hadn't seen them in quite some time, so it was nice to visit and catch up. They have a lovely pool, so we donned our suits and took a swim. Gage, I think the idea of swimming was more fun for you than the actual act of swimming. You weren't a big fan of being out there in the water and you were much happier either in the boat, or on the steps. Gabe, you enjoyed being in the water with Mommy. You kicked your little legs and arms and splashed around. Emma is a little water bug! She was out there with her floaties, swimming around and having a lot of fun.

Independent Emma and boat fairing boy

In the pool for the first time

Pool time with Mommy

After swimming, we sat down to a yummy dinner. Gage, you and Emma sat at a separate table to eat dinner. I don't know if that was the best idea for you, because you spent more time playing than eating. We had a lot of fun with the Salyers and we can't wait to do it again!

Dinner date with Emma

Lovings from Amanda
I love you,

Pool Time

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Since the weather has warmed up, we decided to get out our little pools. Gage, you love playing in the water and going down the slide. Gabe, you like sitting in your little pool and watching brother play and jump around.

Gage in the pool

Daddy and Gabe

Little swimmer

I love you,

Gage and his "Pow-Pow"

Dear Gage and Gabe,

At the Payne house, it's always safety first. With that in mind, Gage, you won't shoot your toy gun without protective ear wear. Never mind it doesn't even "pow pow" anymore. You see Daddy wearing his muffs and you want to do the same.

Defending the homestead

Handsome boy :)
I love you,

Gabe's 6 month check up

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe, on June 12 I took you to see Dr. Chris for your 6 month check up. You are growing well and are very healthy. Dr. Chris was very happy with your growth and development and just told us to keep doing what we're doing. You've got the green light on all pureed fruits and veggies. Once you get some teeth, we'll start on some yogurt melts, veggie puffs and meats.

Gabe's 6 month stats:
Weight - 16 lbs (25th percentile)
Length - 28 inches (90th percentile)

Gage's 6 month stats:
Weight - 16 lbs 5 ounces (25th percentile)
Length - 27 inches (80th percentile)

I love you both,

Sittin' Solo

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe, you reached a milestone recently - sitting unassisted! This is a great accomplishment and something we have been working on for quite some time. You've been able to sit propped up against your Boppy, against the couch or chair, and in the Bumbo. You have also been able to sit for about 5 to 10 seconds before toppling over. But on Saturday, June 15, you sat for over a minute without any props or Mommy. I'm so proud of you, big boy. You're growing up fast!

Nearly there
Yay! Big boy, sittin' solo!
Such a big boy! 
When Daddy was finally able to see you sitting by yourself, you just cried. I'm not sure if you were scared that you were sitting alone or what, but it was so sad and funny at the same time. You have since gotten past the crying part and enjoy sitting unassisted!

Gage sitting solo - 7/7/11 (age 5 1/2 months)

I love you both so much!

Emma Lou: 3/27/03 - 6/6/13

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Thursday, June 6, 2013, our little doggy Emma died. I've known her since the minute she was born, as she born in Corrina's first litter of puppies. She was a good guard dog and nice companion. She had been in ill health (cough) for a few years, but seemed to be doing well. Gage, you really loved to terrorize the poor thing, but she put up with it and never snapped. Once she was done playing, she would run off and find a hiding spot elsewhere in the house. I regret not taking more photos of her, although she did have a habit of "photobombing" a lot of pictures. Gage, you don't quite understand what has happened and occasionally you still ask where she is. Our house just isn't quite the same without her.

Gage and Emma, 2/3/11
Gage and Emma, 4/18/11
Gage and Emma, 5/3/11
Gage and Emma, 7/24/11
Gage and Emma, 7/24/11
Emma, 11/30/11
Guardian of the chickens, 4/6/13
You will be missed Ol' Girl,

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Bouncy Bouncer

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe, you have recently started playing in the Johnny Jumper. You love to bounce and bounce and bounce. In fact, a few days ago you bounced yourself to sleep. Poor little fella. It sort of reminds me of another little boy who used to bounce not so long ago.

Gabe - 6/2/13
Gage - 6/3/11

I love you both so much,

That's What She Said, pt 2

Dear Gage and Gabe,

I found this shirt when you were around 6 months old, Gage. I love this shirt and I love The Office. Maybe one day, when you both are much older, we will all sit down and watch old episodes have some laughs.

Gage - 7/30/11
Gabe - 6/2/13
I love you,

Happy 6 Months, Gabe!!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Today is June 5, 2013 so that means we are celebrating your 6 month birthday, Gabe! These past six months have been a wonderful whirlwind and I wouldn't trade it for anything. You are growing and developing and changing everyday. It's hard to remember the little 5 pound 15 ounce baby boy you once were. You're doing so much now. You love rolling over and over all around the floor, bouncing in your Johnny Jumper and you especially love watching and playing with Gage. We have an appointment next week with Dr. Chris. I'm very excited to see how much you've grown!

Gabe - 6 months

Gage - 6 months
I love you,