My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Big, big bed

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We made some big changes recently in the sleeping department. Gabe, since you nearly outgrew the bassinet, it was time to move you to the crib. And Gage, since you were sleeping in the crib-turned- toddlerbed, it was time to move you upstairs to your new room. We bought full size bunkbeds some time ago and there is a twin trundle beneath the bottom bunk. We bought a mattress and some awesome bedding to help make a smooth transition. We were worried about how you would react to sleeping upstairs, but you have done so well. You love your new room and your big boy bed! You both have made the transition so well, and we couldn't be happier!

Gabe crowded in the bassinet

Much more space in the crib

Gage in his big boy bed, surrounded by Buzz and Woody :)

I love you both so much,

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