My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, May 6, 2013

Feeding baby Gabe

Dear Gage and Gabe,

At your four month check up Gabe, Dr Chris gave us the green light to start you on solid foods. Gage, when you were eating baby food, we made a lot of it from our fresh vegetables from the garden. Since Gabe, you are starting solids a little earlier in the growing season, you're going to get your start on some jarred food. There is nothing wrong with that, and you'll be getting your fair share of home grown goodies in no time.

Your first food was green beans. We let you try them on a very empty stomach, so you were less than interested in the green goodness being shoveled into your mouth. After a few failed scoops, we postponed the food until after you nursed. The second attempt was much more successful and you ate every bite. We started you out with food twice a day and then gradually added more feedings. We have also added a little variety to your diet by introducing you to different foods. In addition to the green beans, you have had green peas, sweet potatos (fresh and jarred), squash, sweet carrots, pears and peaches. You have done well with each different food and seem to enjoy them all equally. I can't wait for our garden to start producing vegetables, so you can taste all the goodness the Payne "farm" has to offer!

Excited about green beans


Gage is such a big helper. He loves to feed baby Gabe.

I love you both,

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