My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

One Year Check-Up

Dear Gage,

Today we took you to see Dr. Chris for your 12 month check-up. It's been a little over a week since you turned one, but I worked last week, so today was our first chance to take you. You weigh 21 pounds & 12 ounces and are 30.5 inches long. That puts you in the 75th percentile for height and 50th for weight. I'm glad you've put on some weight. We were a little worried when you were down in the 30th at your 9 month check up. But you seemed to have bounced back!

Dr. Chris has cleared you for whole milk and you no longer have any dietary restrictions. I'm still nursing you 4 times per day, so we'll start cutting out one feeding at a time until you're on whole milk alone. We'll have to get through the arsenal of milk in the freezer too. So today for lunch you ate your first peanut butter sandwich and had some whole milk. You weren't really sure what to think about the sandwich, but the milk was a hit. You really liked it and you have tolerated it well.

I know I say this all the time, but I can't believe how much you've grown! You are getting to be such a big boy! I love you so very much!

I love you,

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