My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday!

Dear Gage,

On Saturday, January 28th, you celebrated your first birthday! It's hard to believe that a year ago you entered this world and our hearts! Time sure has flown by. It has been the greatest year of my life to watch you grow and develop. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

We celebrated your birthday at the Sleep Inn Conference room surrounded by 50 family and friends. We had people come all the way from Indiana, Bardstown, Glasgow, Scottsville, and Bowling Green to celebrate this wonderful day with us! The only show that actually keeps your attention is Yo Gabba Gabba! so it seemed fitting for that to be the theme of the party. We had all sorts of homemade decorations and even played the show on the projector. I made shirts for each of us and you got a bonus bib! You took on the role of Brobee, while Dada was Muno and I was Foofa.

We had lunch with a big spread of food. We ordered the chicken strips from a nearby shop, but the rest of the food was prepared by yours truly and your Granna D. We had baked beans, potato salad, broccoli apple salad, 7 layer bean dip, salsa (black bean & corn and regular), a relish tray, and a basket full of sourdough rolls! You enjoyed a little bit of everything, but I think you liked the chicken the best.

Happy Birthday!
After we finished our meal, it was time for dessert. I made confetti cupcakes with orange cream cheese icing and a mix of chocolate and golden Oreo balls. I dipped them in different colors and decorated them with an accent to match each character. Muno - red with one eye, Foofa - pink with a flower, Plex - yellow with a red hot on top, Brobee - green with green coconut for fur, Toodee - blue, and DJ Lance - orange with orange coconut on top for his hat. We also put together some punch with rainbow sherbet.

Dessert table
Character Oreo balls
You got your very own jumbo cupcake and you weren't really sure what to think about it. You couldn't decide if you were allowed to touch it or not. Once you got over your cupcake phobia, you gave the icing a try. You were a little surprised by its sweetness, so we broke open the cupcake so you could get down to the cake part. You really dove in after that and made a big mess! You loved it!!

You got your very own jumbo cupcake

Yes sir, it's all for you

Yummy cake

Messy boy
After everyone had their fill of dessert, it was time to pass out the goodie bags to the children and let you open your presents. I had to help you with most of them, but you enjoyed looking at all of your new goodies. You got a ton of clothes and so many toys. We're going to have to really think about getting you a toy box for all your new things.

Your gift table was overflowing with presents!

Your most favorite present: a package of balls to go with the new ball pit from Mommy and Daddy!

Playing with your new ball pit at home! Happy Birthday sweetheart!!
We had a great time celebrating your first birthday and you were such a friendly and lovable birthday boy. You were walking around all over the place, playing with all the kids, and visiting with everyone. I still can't believe my baby boy is a year old! It has been the greatest year of my life! I can't wait to see what the years ahead have in store for us!

I love you so much, Gagey bear,

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