My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, February 27, 2012

Fun in the sun... in February

Dear Gage,

This winter has been unseasonably warm. We have only had one real snow fall, and that didn't even amount to much more than a dusting. This past week, the temperatures got up into the 70's! We took advantage of this wonderful weather and played outside. We kicked your ball around the yard and took a ride on the bikes. You really love riding in your bike seat, but you aren't a huge fan of the helmet. You're going to have to get used to wearing one though, because it's safety first.

"I'm ready to go!"

Carrying the ball up the hill

We went down to the creek yesterday and you helped Dada skip rocks. You walked around a little bit, but it was hard to balance on all the creek gravel. You really enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the sound of the water. It was very relaxing.

Skipping rocks with Dada

Posing with Mommy

Walking around by the creek
I really look forward to this spring and summer. You'll be able to do more and I think you're going to have a lot of fun.

I love you,

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