My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Playtime with Emma

Dear Gage,

Last night the Salyer family came over for dinner and they brought their sweet little Emma along with them. You haven't seen her in several months, and not since you both started crawling. You both had so much together! While we ate, you each sat in a separate walker and ate some snacks. It was so funny because you wouldn't take your eyes off of her, and she stared at you just as intently. You were trying to figure out this other little person. And why she was sitting in your other walker, eating some of your snacks! After snacktime, came playtime. You were very nice to share your toys. She loved your activity table and basketball goal. You both crawled around, walked along the couch, and of course played and played.  We had to make you both stop playing so you could actually eat your dinner. Once dinner-time was over, you got back to playing together.

It was so much fun to watch you interact with another baby your age. Jett and Jude are several years older than you, and of course the girls are still too small to play. You were such a good boy, sharing your toys and for the most part, not being too rough. Sometimes you don't realize that pats on the face and head can hurt. Especially when the person on the other end is 9 months old. But no major meltdowns or quarrels. I really look forward to another play date with pretty Emma!

I love you,

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