My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, October 24, 2011

Reflections: Your birth story

Dear Gage,

I didn't start writing this blog until you were a little over 3 months old, so there are some important events in your life that didn't get written in real-time. So we'll have to do a few reflection posts. I suppose the most important of those will be the story of how you entered this world.

Two days before you were born.

On Friday, January 28, I awoke around 6am. I hadn't been sleeping very well, what with my growing belly and increasing anxiety as we neared February 3rd, your due date. I went through my normal morning routine and tried to plan the events of the day. I had just changed into some workout clothes with good intentions to spend some time on the elliptical machine, when I had a bit of a sensation. I thought I might have experienced a bit of incontinence, as there wasn't a large amount of fluid. I went to the bathroom and changed clothes and didn't think anything of it. About 15 minutes later as I sat on the couch, watching the episode of The Biggest Loser that I had missed that week, trying to pep myself up for a work-out, I felt a cramp in my lower abdomen. I really didn't think much of it, but it happened again about 10 minutes later.Your Dada still wasn't awake, so I just sat on the couch, watched the clock and waited for it to happen again. About 10 minutes later, I had another cramp and it started to sink in that maybe I was in labor.

After an hour of having contractions every 10 to 15 minutes, they started to get a little closer together. Every 8 minutes, then every 7, then down to every 5 minutes. I planned on staying at home and laboring as long as possible before going to the hospital. The contractions weren't too terribly painful and I was able to breathe through them quite easily. Your Dada and I cleaned the house, took showers and got our bags out to the car. Around 12, I started to have a little bloody show so we decided to get up to the hospital. We stopped and saw Granny Dowwoe on the way to let her know what was going on.

We got up to Labor and Delivery and into a room. I remember looking at the clock once I was in the gown and saw it was 1:07pm. The events that followed are sort of a blur. So much was happening all at once. When the nurse did the exam, I was dilated 3cm and my water had broken. It wasn't incontinence after all! It definitely wasn't the dramatic gush of water that you will see in movies. My water breaking experience was more like a trickle. After answering what seemed like a million questions and getting some blood drawn, we settled into the room and started to inform the family of where I was.

The contractions were starting to get a little stronger and it wasn't as easy to breathe through them like before. I think being strapped to a monitor and having an IV line started and not being able to walk around, really made it tough. Around 1:45, the nurse came into the room and told me to lay on my left side. She said babies seem to do better if the mother is laying on that side. I didn't think much of it, so I did as I was told and labored on.

At 2:15, Dr. Hewitt came into the room to check on me. He told us that with every contraction, your heart rate was plummeting. Almost to a dangerously low level. Considering I was still in the early stages of labor and considering the contractions hadn't even reached full intensity, it would be in the every one's best interest, especially yours, to do a c-section. A c-section! This was not in my birth plan, so needless to say, I started to panic. I was so upset that I started to hyperventilate, so I was put on oxygen (because we definitely didn't need to deprive you of any more oxygen than you already were). I continued to lay on my left side to ensure better oxygenation to you.

The nurses brought in the mesh white jumpsuit for Dada to wear, along with matching booties, hat, mask and beard cover. As he was getting garbed up, the nurse anesthetist came in to go over the procedure. She told me about the epidural and how that would be administered. As she was reviewing the blood work, she paused, looked at Dada, and told him he wouldn't be able to go into the room with me. If I was panicked before, it was multiplied a thousand fold now. If Dada wasn't allowed in the room, it meant I would have to go under general anesthesia! The nurse told us that my platelet count was too low, around 80, so an epidural was out of the question. General anesthesia was the only way.

Granny Dowwoe was in the room, trying to calm me down, while Uncle Matt and Sarah were trying to calm down Dada. Within 15 minutes, they were wheeling me out of  L and D and into the OR. Dada followed me as far as he could and then kissed me goodbye. I was taken into a very brightly lit, cold room. I was shivering from fear and anxiety. The nurses had to put warm blankets on my chest just so I would stop shaking long enough to get prepped for the surgery. The nurse anesthetist kept assuring me everything would be OK. I heard Dr. Hewitt come in and felt him touching my belly. I was so afraid he would start the surgery while I was awake. I said a prayer for you and me and that was the last thing I remember.

I woke up in the recovery room in a very groggy and cloudy state. I kept whispering yours and Dada's names until a nurse came over to check on me. She told me you were with Dada in the nursery doing skin-to-skin and that you were perfectly healthy. I was able to find some comfort in that and drifted back off to sleep. After an unknown amount of time in recovery, I was finally wheeled into my postpartum room. Granny Dowwoe was there waiting for me. I asked her about you and she showed me pictures on her phone. Through my groggy state, I exclaimed, "He so beautiful!"

I'm sure it was only minutes before you were brought in to the room to meet me, but it seemed like hours. I was so anxious to meet this beautiful boy everyone was talking about. Your Dada showed me a picture from the nursery that one of the nurses took while he was doing skin-to-skin with you. He was such a proud Daddy!

And finally the nursery nurses wheeled you in! There was my precious baby boy. It was love at first sight. You were perfect! Your sweet little nose, rosy red lips, and your head full of messy brown hair! A little 7 pound 9.5 ounce ball of love. At that moment, my life was complete. I didn't want for anything else in the whole entire world, but to just lay there and cuddle with you. To cherish that moment with you. I love you so, so much. There just aren't words to describe my love for you. Nothing will ever take that away. You truly are my little sunshine!

So within 2 hours of getting checked in to the hospital you were born. At 2:59pm Dr. Hewitt helped you make your debut. I'm so sad I wasn't able to hear your first cry, but things happen for a reason. Your heart rate kept dropping with each contraction because the umbilical cord was wrapped around your neck. I'm very glad we got up to the hospital when we did, or things could have been a lot worse. Because of that, I'm glad I wasn't awake and I'm glad your Dada wasn't in the room. That would have caused more panic. 

Even though your birth story was not according to our plans, we still have you. And you are absolutely perfect! I wouldn't trade you for anything!

Proud Daddy carrying you out to the family moments after you were born.

Getting all cleaned up

Perfect little angel

Mommy loves you!

I love you,

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Go Tops!

Dear Gage,

We took you to your first Western football game yesterday. The Hilltoppers took on the Ragin' Cajuns of Louisiana Lafayette for a Sun Belt Conference show down and Western's homecoming. We couldn't have asked for more perfect weather. It was a great day for a football game. Granny Dowwoe, Jett, and Kaydence joined us for the Saturday afternoon fun and helped us cheer on the Tops to a victory! Way to go Tops!

I love you,

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Jackson's Orchard

Dear Gage,

Two weeks ago, we took you to Jackson's Orchard. It's been a tradition to go up there every fall to get some apples and pumpkins and play on their playground. We went with Madeline, Granny Dowwoe, Jett and Baby Kaydence. The weather was absolutely perfect! Jett played on the playground and you people watched. You weren't feeling 100%, but you still enjoyed yourself. We let you play on the hay, and you were very unsure about the prickly stuff. We watched Dada play on the tire spiral with Madeline and Jett. Dada almost made it across without touching the ground, but some of the little ones sunk under his weight! :) Of course no trip to Jackson's Orchard is complete without a caramel apple, for me that is. Maybe next year I'll let you have a taste!

I love you,

Playtime with Emma

Dear Gage,

Last night the Salyer family came over for dinner and they brought their sweet little Emma along with them. You haven't seen her in several months, and not since you both started crawling. You both had so much together! While we ate, you each sat in a separate walker and ate some snacks. It was so funny because you wouldn't take your eyes off of her, and she stared at you just as intently. You were trying to figure out this other little person. And why she was sitting in your other walker, eating some of your snacks! After snacktime, came playtime. You were very nice to share your toys. She loved your activity table and basketball goal. You both crawled around, walked along the couch, and of course played and played.  We had to make you both stop playing so you could actually eat your dinner. Once dinner-time was over, you got back to playing together.

It was so much fun to watch you interact with another baby your age. Jett and Jude are several years older than you, and of course the girls are still too small to play. You were such a good boy, sharing your toys and for the most part, not being too rough. Sometimes you don't realize that pats on the face and head can hurt. Especially when the person on the other end is 9 months old. But no major meltdowns or quarrels. I really look forward to another play date with pretty Emma!

I love you,

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Cribs are not for eating

Dear Gage,

This morning when Dada got you out of your crib, he noticed some brown flakes on your lips and around your mouth. After cleaning you off, he discovered where those flakes had come from: your crib. You have decided that the rails of your crib are a new chew toy. Oh Gage, it seems like you're always in to something. Does anyone know where we can find crib rail covers? Dada looked today in town, but failed to find anything. It looks like you'll be sleeping in your playpen until we get the rails covered. I don't think crib flakes are good for a baby diet.

Yummy crib

Poor crib

I love you,

Monday, October 10, 2011


Dear Gage,

Today you went to the park with Mommy for a run. After our run, we stopped at the playground. You had never been in a swing before, so today we gave it a shot. You were a little skeptical of this new fun, but you warmed up to it rather quickly. There was a little girl swinging next to you and you couldn't keep your eyes off of her. You were very interested in the other kids playing on the slides, monkey bars and the other swings. You're still a little too small for those things, but soon enough you'll be out there running around with the best of them!

I love you so much,

Friday, October 7, 2011


Dear Gage,

Now that you're standing up well with assistance and walking along the couch, we decided to get the push car out and let you give it another try. You took your first pseudo-steps! It won't be long until you are walking sans assistance! You will be unstoppable!

I love you dearly,