My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, August 26, 2011

Visit to Indiana

Dear Gage,

Today we went to Indiana to visit with Grandma and Grandpa. We ended up seeing a few other members of the family along the way. We had a really nice visit with everyone and you were such a good boy! You slept nearly the whole ride to Indiana, so you were full of energy when we got there.

We stopped by St. Paul's Cemetery and saw Grandma and Grandpa Leister. You didn't have the chance to meet them, but I plan on telling you lots of stories about them. They were such good hearted and loving people. I miss them very much.

We ate lunch at Grandma and Grandpa Hall's and played. You showed off your 6 teeth and your new crawling talent. You really liked jumping with Grandma and laughing at Grandpa. We got a tour of their beautiful garden and got some sweet potatoes to bring home. I can't wait to make you some more baby food.

Our next stop was to see your Great Great Aunt Mary. She lives right around the corner from Grandma and Grandpa. She was fascinated by your little dimple, cute feet and precious hands.

Before we left the great town of Fort Branch, we stopped by and had a quick visit with Aunt Peg, Uncle Steve, Cecilia, and Mary. Mary wanted to hold you so bad, but you were more interested in crawling around and jumping. You eventually warmed up to her and you both had such a fun time. 

I'm so glad you were such a good boy today. It definitely made the travel and visit time that much more enjoyable.

I love you,

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