My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Myrtle Beach, Day 2

Dear Gage,

Tuesday of our vacation was Mommy and Dada's 3 year wedding Anniversary. We were so happy to be able to celebrate with you and Maddie. We had a great day. We spent the morning and the early afternoon on the beach and at the pool and then went out for dinner that evening. We stopped by a little hole in the wall oyster bar that was really good. Maddie ate oysters for the first time and she really liked them. When we got back to the hotel, we decided to take a stroll on the beach. The weather was breezy and cool, a nice contrast to the hot sunny day. It was the best anniversary to date!

Playing with Dada on the beach

Playing with Mommy on the beach

We got the hot lifeguard to take a family photo!

Out in the big water with Mommy and Maddie

Playing on the blanket

Studmuffins ready for a night on the town

Dada and Maddie eating oysters

I love you,

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