My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Myrtle Beach, Day 1

Dear Gage,

We went to Myrtle Beach, SC for vacation this past week. We left on August 1st and stayed until August 5th. We left out at 4am on Monday morning and hoped you would sleep most of the way. You had other plans. You slept off and on most of the trip. We had to make a couple of pitstops so I could feed you. You were pretty good most of the trip, but you had your moments. I was wanting to stop and take pictures at each state line, but you fell asleep 10 miles before the North Carolina and South Carolina lines and I definitely didn't want to wake you for the photo ops.

We made it to the beach around 3:30, 10 hours of driving later. We checked in to the hotel and got everything moved in. We put on our sunscreen and got into our beach clothes and made our way out onto the beach. This was the first ocean visit for you and Maddie. You really didn't know what to think. Daddy walked out into the ocean with you and you were a little scared. It was big water. Much bigger than the bath tub!

We didn't play out in the water for very long. You really enjoyed playing on the blanket in the sand and watching all of the people! We had a nice little set up for us. Two umbrellas, lawnchairs and a big blanket. Very relaxing and fun for all.

I'm ready for the beach, Mom!

This is pretty cool!

Daddy, that's some big water!

Out on the balcony with Maddie
I love you, beach boy,

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