My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Music to my ears

Dear Gage,

Your laugh is the sweetest sound ever. It's like music to my ears. I wish I could bottle it up and take it everywhere I go. Each time I hear that precious laugh, it makes my heart melt.

You are the sweetest, most amazingly precious boy in the whole wide world and I am so blessed to call you my son. I love you more than words can describe. You are my sunshine!

I love you,

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Gone Fishing

Dear Gage,

Today, we took you fishing for the first time. We didn't catch anything, but had a lot of fun. You weren't quite sure what to think about being down by the creek, but you just watched and stared as we cast out the lines. When you are older, we will be sure to get you a pole of your own, so you can fish with us!

I love you, country bumpkin,

Gagey Bear

Dear Gage,

When you were still in my belly, the family had a baby shower for us in Indiana. At this shower, we had an activity where we designed and decorated onesies and bibs for you. I had a 6 to 9 month onesie that I decorated with the nickname I had given you - Gagey Bear. Today, you wore that onesie for the very first time!

Today, is also your 7 month birthday. I can't believe that 7 months ago, we welcomed you into our lives! What ever did we do before you were born? You have been a blessing in our lives and I am so thankful for you!

I love you dearly,

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Dear Gage,

Your Dada has been collecting the codes off of the Huggies diapers and wipes. He finally had enough to cash in, and you got this cute little onesie! I think you should be the new spokes-baby for Huggies!! :)

I love you,

Friday, August 26, 2011

Visit to Indiana

Dear Gage,

Today we went to Indiana to visit with Grandma and Grandpa. We ended up seeing a few other members of the family along the way. We had a really nice visit with everyone and you were such a good boy! You slept nearly the whole ride to Indiana, so you were full of energy when we got there.

We stopped by St. Paul's Cemetery and saw Grandma and Grandpa Leister. You didn't have the chance to meet them, but I plan on telling you lots of stories about them. They were such good hearted and loving people. I miss them very much.

We ate lunch at Grandma and Grandpa Hall's and played. You showed off your 6 teeth and your new crawling talent. You really liked jumping with Grandma and laughing at Grandpa. We got a tour of their beautiful garden and got some sweet potatoes to bring home. I can't wait to make you some more baby food.

Our next stop was to see your Great Great Aunt Mary. She lives right around the corner from Grandma and Grandpa. She was fascinated by your little dimple, cute feet and precious hands.

Before we left the great town of Fort Branch, we stopped by and had a quick visit with Aunt Peg, Uncle Steve, Cecilia, and Mary. Mary wanted to hold you so bad, but you were more interested in crawling around and jumping. You eventually warmed up to her and you both had such a fun time. 

I'm so glad you were such a good boy today. It definitely made the travel and visit time that much more enjoyable.

I love you,

Crawling Master

Dear Gage,

You have mastered the art of crawling. No more wobbly, hesitant steps. You are on the move and determined to explore everything within reach!

I love you,

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Run, Mommy, Run

Dear Gage,

We went to Keriakes park today and went for a run. I tell you what, that 6 miles was a lot harder than it used to be. My 17 pound big boy. Each ounce you gain, means a harder workout for Mommy! But I loved every sweaty minute of it and you slept nearly the whole time! Thank you for being such a wonderful running buddy!

I love you,

Baby Molly

Dear Gage,

On August 20th, you got another cousin! Molly Elizabeth was born at 11:30pm, weighed 8lbs 12 oz, and was 21 inches long. I just got to see her today. You didn't go with me because you still have a little bit of a runny nose and we didn't want to get baby Molly sick. She's a little doll baby. I can't wait until you all are a little bigger so you all can play together! You're no longer the baby in the family! Three babies born in 2011! What a blessing!

I love you,

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Enemy

Dear Gage,

Changing your diaper has become a challenge lately. You wiggle and squirm and twist yourself away from me. It's almost like the diaper has become the enemy. I would love to let you run around sans diaper, because that little butt is so darn cute. But no diaper, means big messes. Tonight you told the diaper who's boss!

I love you,

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Little Mover

Dear Gage,

Yesterday you took your first crawling steps! It's time to baby-proof the house. You are already taking advantage of your new talent and have made your way to the laptop cord and the entertainment center. We're going to have our hands full with our little mover! It is so exciting to watch you grow and develop!

I love you,

Monday, August 15, 2011

Got Juice?

Dear Gage,

Today you tried juice for the first time, and needless to say, you weren't a big fan. Your "ick" face is so funny! Maybe we'll try again another time.

What's this, Dad?

Ick, I don't think I like this!

I love you,

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Happy Birthday, Jude

Dear Gage,

On August 10th, your cousin Jude turned 3 years old. We celebrated his birthday on Saturday with a really fun party. You had a lot of fun playing with the other kids and watching Jude unwrap all his presents. Jude really liked the truck we got him. It was great day!

I love you,

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Future Little Mover

Dear Gage,

You are really wanting to crawl. You get up on your hands and knees and rock quite a bit. You've even moved one of your legs forward. Anyday now, you will be a little mover! And then we won't be able to stop you.

I love you,

Car Driver

Dear Gage,

Today at Kroger, you insisted you needed to ride in the car of the cart. Because we love you so much, we obliged. You really had a great time driving the little car! But when you decided it would be cool to chew on the passenger side's seat belt, we had to move you to the captain's seat of the cart.

I love you,

Future Basketball Star?

Dear Gage,

You really enjoy playing with your little basketball goal. Do we have a little basketball star in the making?

I love you,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Myrtle Beach, Day 4

Dear Gage,

On the last full day of our vacation, we spent the day playing on the beach and in the pool. We soaked up the sun and relaxed. It was such a pretty day. The sun was shining and there was a nice breeze. The wind made it a little difficult to get out and really enjoy the water, but when the tide was going out, you were able to get your feet wet. We really had a nice time at the beach. You were such a little trooper, and for that, we thank you! Sweet boy!!

Swimming with Maddie in the pool

Your Dada thought it would be cute to get you an airbrushed "Shark Bait" shirt. I have to admit, it's pretty awesome!

You left your mark

Tootsies in the sand

Playing with Mommy in the sand

Playing with Mommy in the ocean

I love you so much,

Myrtle Beach, Day 3

Dear Gage,

On Wednesday of our trip, we spent the morning at the beach and the pool and then went to Ripley's Aquarium in the afternoon. It was a nice break away from the sun and we got to see some really neat sea creatures. There were sharks and sting rays and fish and horseshoe crabs. So much to see! You were really amazed by all the creatures and you were such a good boy! While we were waiting in line for the shark exhibit, you put down the moves on an older lady. She just couldn't get enough of you! You are going to be a heartbreaker!

Building a sand castle with Dada

Naptime on the beach!

"Sea explorer" ready for the aquarium

Look at the pretty fishies!

 Mommy and Gageybear!

Shark Bait

Family photo

Little flirt

Mommy and Dada's pearls!

After the aquarium, we went to dinner at a little place called Shiver Me Pinchers. You sat in a high chair for the first time. You are such a big boy! The high chair put you level with the table and you thought it would be a great idea to chew on the table. Silly boy.

Big boy in the high chair

When we got back to the hotel, we went for a walk on the beach. The city has fireworks every Wednesday night on the beach, and we were able to take advantage of the show! While we were waiting for the fireworks to begin, we saw a couple who had a little boy about a year older than you. And his name was Gage! It sure is a small world!!

Another Gage?

Sleepy boy after a long, exciting day

I love you more than you know,

Myrtle Beach, Day 2

Dear Gage,

Tuesday of our vacation was Mommy and Dada's 3 year wedding Anniversary. We were so happy to be able to celebrate with you and Maddie. We had a great day. We spent the morning and the early afternoon on the beach and at the pool and then went out for dinner that evening. We stopped by a little hole in the wall oyster bar that was really good. Maddie ate oysters for the first time and she really liked them. When we got back to the hotel, we decided to take a stroll on the beach. The weather was breezy and cool, a nice contrast to the hot sunny day. It was the best anniversary to date!

Playing with Dada on the beach

Playing with Mommy on the beach

We got the hot lifeguard to take a family photo!

Out in the big water with Mommy and Maddie

Playing on the blanket

Studmuffins ready for a night on the town

Dada and Maddie eating oysters

I love you,

Monday, August 8, 2011

I can do it myself

Dear Gage,

You are growing up so fast. Sometimes you think you are bigger than you really are. Today you tried to feed yourself. You were able to get one spoonful to your mouth, but that was all. You decided the spoon was a chew toy and forget all about the yummy squash in your bowl.

I love you, big boy,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Myrtle Beach, Day 1

Dear Gage,

We went to Myrtle Beach, SC for vacation this past week. We left on August 1st and stayed until August 5th. We left out at 4am on Monday morning and hoped you would sleep most of the way. You had other plans. You slept off and on most of the trip. We had to make a couple of pitstops so I could feed you. You were pretty good most of the trip, but you had your moments. I was wanting to stop and take pictures at each state line, but you fell asleep 10 miles before the North Carolina and South Carolina lines and I definitely didn't want to wake you for the photo ops.

We made it to the beach around 3:30, 10 hours of driving later. We checked in to the hotel and got everything moved in. We put on our sunscreen and got into our beach clothes and made our way out onto the beach. This was the first ocean visit for you and Maddie. You really didn't know what to think. Daddy walked out into the ocean with you and you were a little scared. It was big water. Much bigger than the bath tub!

We didn't play out in the water for very long. You really enjoyed playing on the blanket in the sand and watching all of the people! We had a nice little set up for us. Two umbrellas, lawnchairs and a big blanket. Very relaxing and fun for all.

I'm ready for the beach, Mom!

This is pretty cool!

Daddy, that's some big water!

Out on the balcony with Maddie
I love you, beach boy,