My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Happy Mother's Day (5/8/16)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

This year, Mother's Day was supposed to be extra special since Daddy was going to make me a gender reveal cake for Baby Payne #4. Well, Daddy couldn't wait until Sunday to make the cake and I couldn't wait until Sunday to cut the cake, so we got our surprise on Saturday. We found out we would be welcoming a baby girl in September. I was pressed for time, so I took a piece with me to work. I ate my cake after midnight and celebrated Mother's Day thinking about you boys and the daughter that would be entering our lives in just 4 short months.

Daddy made such a pretty cake.

Pink! It's a girl!!
The best strawberry cake I've ever tasted in my life!

I did have to work that weekend, so my time was limited with you all, but we made the most of it. The weather was really nice, so we got to spend some time outside on my Mother's Day gift, a swing. Of course, getting a picture with all of you looking and smiling at the camera at the same time was nearly impossible, but I'll take what I can get.



Gage, you made me a special card at preschool and gave me a little cactus. You are so sweet and kind and I loved my Mother's Day present.

Your Granny and Pa came over after church to visit and they were surprised with the pink cake. Everyone was so excited about our baby girl.

I had such a wonderful Mother's Day and I love every moment with you all! I'm so blessed to be Mommy to such wonderful and sweet baby boys.

I love you,

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