My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Gage Goes to Preschool (2015-2016)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

Gage, I just realized I hadn't written anything about your adventures at Preschool. We decided to send you to Plano Elementary to attend preschool this past year. We had debated sending you to a private school, but Plano seemed like a better fit. It was a little cheaper, closer and you were able to ride the bus home from school. It is also where you will be attending elementary school, so it was nice for you to get acquainted with your school.

Preschool started a few weeks after the regular start of school. You were assigned to attend on the T days - Tuesdays and Thursdays. Prior to the start of school, we went up to meet your teacher Mrs. Williams and you got to see your new classroom. You were so excited to start school and I was so nervous. You'd never been away from one of us outside the home for more than a few hours (Bible school was your first trial and that was just 3 hours per day for one week). I know you are a kind and friendly boy, so I didn't worry about you getting along with your peers or making friends.

Walking to class on your first day

First time riding the bus home
Gage, you had such a wonderful year in preschool. You learned so much and really had a great time.

Last day hug from Mrs. Williams
I love you,

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