My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, September 25, 2015

Visit to Indiana (9/14/15)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

On Monday, 9/14/15, we took a spur of the moment trip up to Snake Run to visit with Great Grandma. We arrived a little over 11am, and after feeding Grant and visiting for a few minutes, we went into Fort Branch for lunch at Dairy Queen. While we were there, I saw my birthday twin. Some friends of my Mom and Dad had their first son the very same day that I was born, and when we were young we always joked about being birthday twins. I hadn't seen him in probably 15 years, so it was neat to reconnect.

After lunch, we went to Aunt Peg and Uncle Steve's house for a visit. It was a beautiful day, so we played outside for quite a while. You big boys drew with chalk, played frisbee, played basketball and went for a walk with Peg. Grant, you played for a bit and then napped on a blanket in the grass.

Posing next to your body cut out, Gage.

We stopped by St Paul's Cemetery to see Great Grandma and Grandpa Leister and Cousin David on our way back to Great Grandma's house.


Gabe, you fell asleep on the way back, so you napped while I visited with Great-Grandma, and while Daddy played with you Gage down in the basement. Grandma has acquired boxes of photos from Great-Great Aunt Mary's house, so we looked through a few of the albums. I was, and still am, in awe of all the photos. She kept nice albums that are sorted and labeled! I'm a picture person, and I take your pictures everyday, so this was just awesome to see. I loved every minute looking through the pictures and hearing all the stories Great-Grandma had to tell about them.

We had such a great visit with Great-Grandma. We weren't able to visit Great-Grandpa on the trip, as he had been temporarily moved to a different nursing home facility to regulate his medications. We look forward to visiting again soon. 

I love you, 

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