My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving - 11/27/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On Monday, November 24, Great-Grandma Pat fell down while walking up her steps. She fell into the corner of her apron closet and broke her left hip. She was able to get help quickly and had surgery to repair the fracture on Tuesday in Evansville. We were able to stop and see her in the hospital in Evansville on Thursday on our way to see the rest of the family for Thanksgiving. She was in great spirits and didn't seem to be in much pain. I was so happy we were able to stop in a visit her.

We made our way to Fort Branch to Uncle Steve and Aunt Peg's house for the noon Thanksgiving meal. It wasn't quite the same without Grandma's chicken dumplings, but we made do with what we had! It was great to see and visit with all the family. We don't get to see them very often, so we try to make the most of our time with them.
After lunch, we went over to DeAnn and Dave's house to see the Leister side of the family. We were still full from lunch, so we didn't eat dinner with them. But we did visit and enjoy our time together.
I love you,

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