My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, February 23, 2015

Jackson's Orchard - 9/20/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Every fall we like to go to Jackson's Orchard. We usually go in October during the Pumpkin Fest, but this year, we went on a weekend before the festival began. It was Symphony Saturday at the Orchard and it was lovely. Local high school symphonies as well as WKU's Symphony played beautiful music by the lake. I brought some lawn chairs and we just relaxed and listened to the music. During intermission, we went and grabbed some lunch and listened some more.

There was a tent set up called an "Instrument Petting Zoo" and Gage, you were able to hold a miniature violin and play a song. You thought it was really cool.

Playing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
We posed in front of the apple growth chart.

My friend Stephanie and her son Courtland met us up there around noon. We went over to the play area and took rides down the Cider Slider, played in the hay maze and then walked through the real petting zoo. You boys loved every bit of the day and really enjoyed all the animals.

Riding down the Cider Slider with Mommy

Playing in the hay

Taking a rest on the hay

Mr. Courtland

Feeding the cows

Look, it's a baby wallaby! And it's wearing a diaper!

Feeding some sheep

Holding the fluffy rabbit

Petting the diaper clad wallaby
We had a great time and look forward to going back again next fall.

I love you,

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