My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Boyce Egg Hunt 2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This year the Boyce Community Center had their Annual Easter Egg Hunt the weekend before Easter. We invited Dows and KD to go along with us. It was a beautiful Saturday morning with perfect weather for hunting the "hidden" eggs. They had the yard divided off into sections and children were assigned to a section based on age. You all fit under the three and under category, so you were able to hunt eggs together. When it was time to start, Gage, you and KD went right to work picking up eggs and putting them in your baskets. Gabe, you weren't sure about what was going on. We had to coach you and before long, you had a few eggs in your basket. You picked up several on your own and then decided to start putting them in other kids's baskets. You have a sweet heart!

It was difficult to get a picture where all three of you were looking at the camera

Hunting eggs with Dows
At the end of the egg hunt, all the kids got to get a ticket. As we sat around eating refreshments and looking through the spoils of the hunt, numbers were drawn that corresponded to the numbers on the tickets. You each got to pick out a little toy when your numbers were drawn. Gage, you picked out bubbles and Gabe, we picked you out a kite. We had a great time at the egg hunt and look forward to attending next year.

Check out all those eggs!

Bitsy was excited about his find

"I love bubbles! They're my favorite!"
I love you,

Dry Land Fishing 2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Spring means it's time for mushroom hunting. When the weather warms up and the warms rains come through, it's a perfect time to find this forest delicacy. We had some success this year and were able to enjoy some of the tasty fungus. You boys tried to help us on the search for them, but I think you all had more fun playing in the woods. We invited Dows over to eat them with us. She loves them so we thought we would share our forest wealth.

Good lookin' Morels

Prepared and ready to enjoy

Gabe's first dry land fish

Dows loves them

Gage approves

I love you,

Happy Mother's Day 2014

Dear Gage and Gabe,

This past Sunday was Mother's Day. No surprise here, but I had to work. That didn't stop us from celebrating though. Friday, Granny Clarice stopped by and you all were able to give her a present. On Saturday, Granny Dows came over for dinner and we were able to celebrate with her. We pseudo-celebrated my Mother's Day on Saturday with dinner and dessert. You boys helped Daddy make my favorite dessert - Lemon Lush. It was so delicious.

Helping little brother lick the beater


Beautiful Lemon Lush
Daddy wanted to give me my present on Saturday, but I told him I wanted to wait until Sunday. Daddy is a sneaky daddy, so he hid my present in my lunchbox. Sunday morning around 2 am, when I went to get an apple from my bag, I found a jewelry box with the most beautiful bracelet inside. It was such a surprise! I love it! You boys did such a good job picking out such a gorgeous present for me!

Found some bling in my lunch box!

Mommy and Gage

Mommy and Gabe

Mommy and her boys - Gage, you were distracted by "Frozen"
and Gabe, you weren't feeling very well

I love being a Mommy!!
I love you,

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Sissy Goes to Prom

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Yesterday, Allen County Scottsville High School had their prom. Usually prom is only for Juniors and Seniors (Sissy is a sophomore), but because Dylan is a Junior, she was invited to attend. They came over before going out to dinner so we could see them in their prom attire. Sissy looked absolutely stunning and Dylan looked so handsome. Gabe, you weren't sure what to think about Madeline all dressed up, but you eventually warmed up to her.

We were able to get some pictures and spend some time with them before they left to meet some friends for dinner before prom. We hope Sissy and Dylan had a wonderful time!

I love you,

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Dear Gage and Gabe,

When the porch addition was built, nearly all of our landscaping in the front of the house was destroyed. We were able to move some of the plants to the side of the house and some were lost. We've never had much success growing grass in front of the house due to the trees and the overall placement of the house, but once the porch was finished, we were left with a dirty, nasty mess. Since we had this lovely porch, we wanted to have some lovely landscaping to match. I went to Alvaton Nursery and talked to Brad, and he was very helpful with some suggestions about what kinds of plants will grow well in our area. By the end of our meeting, we had a truck bed full of plants and mulch and were ready to renovate the yard.

Because we haven't had much success with grass, we decided to give some sod a try. Aliza Sod Farm is right down the road, and since we like to try to buy local, we bought two skids of sod and filled in the most difficult grass-growing areas. This may seem like an easy thing - just throw down some pre-cut chunks of grass. It is not that easy. The ground must first be tilled, which isn't a big deal. The ground must also be raked and free of rocks - this was the challenge. Being on the bluff above the creek, we don't have the best soil. There are more rocks in our yard than on the creek bank! That's an exaggeration obviously, but raking and picking up buckets of rocks was a time consuming project. The next step was placing the sod. We were working in a pretty narrow area, so finding the right squares to piece together was a challenge. Gage, you said we were putting together a big puzzle, and that was accurate.

Tilled ground, ready for sod
Gabe, picking up rocks. Gage, raking the ground.
After a few days of hard work, the planting, mulch spreading and sod laying were done. I am so pleased with how well it all turned out! Once everything grows and fills in, we'll have a beautiful landscaped yard!

View of porch with planters, ferns and landscaping. Daddy used edging blocks for a border around the driveway. I suppose pavement will be the next step in our home makeover. Gabe, in a diaper, watching Mommy take pictures.

Right side of the porch

Left side of the porch

Left side of the house - filled in the flower bed that Daddy constructed with retaining
blocks a few years ago. We've had azaleas there since the beginning, but we replaced
some of the dead ones, fed them and are crossing our fingers for success.

I love you,

New Vehicle

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gage, when you were a few months old, we decided to purchase an SUV. I had my eyes on a Ford Edge and was determined to get one. We found a used 2008 Limited Edge at a local car lot, and after some negotiating, we were officially SUV owners. I loved that Edge. I loved how it looked, I loved how it rode and I loved all the room. Your daddy wasn't as thrilled. The vehicle had a few problems and the only times the problems occurred was when your daddy was driving. None the less, that vehicle took us on three vacations, numerous trips to Indiana and of course all over Warren County and the surrounding areas.

The final straw came in January when the rear drive shaft broke and left Daddy stranded for the third time. We got the Edge fixed and the day we drove it away from the mechanic was the day we started looking for a new vehicle. I've always like the look of the GMC Acadia and we test drove a used one at the dealership. I was sold on it, but your daddy wanted to see what Ford had to offer. We stopped by the dealership and saw an Explorer. One look, and my mind had been changed. It was a 2014 XLT Ford Explorer with all the bells and whistles. With our trade in and my discount from work (thanks Walgreens), we got a good deal and that Friday we drove our new vehicle off the lot.

We made a few changes (tinted the front windows and added a trailer hitch) and we are loving our new ride. There's more room (third row seating!) and some fancy touches (navigation - no more Tom Tom, and a panoramic moonroof - hello sun). We are digging the Explorer and you boys think it's pretty nifty too!

I love you,

Monday, May 5, 2014

Happy Birthday, Granny!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

On March 26, Granny Clarice (and Poppa) celebrated a birthday. The night before, you boys helped Daddy make a cake for Granny. You boys poured in the ingredients and also added the pecans. It looked delicious!

Granny stopped by on her way home from work on her birthday to visit us. You boys helped her blow out her candles and then gave her presents. We got her a planter, some garden lights, and a card. She loved it all and was so happy to spend her birthday with you!

"Make a wish, Granny!"

I love you,