My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, May 31, 2013

Kayaking with Daddy

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Several weeks ago, Daddy went on a kayaking trip with his friend Brian. We rode down to the drop off point in the big truck and helped them get the kayaks unloaded. Gage, you were very interested in the "boats" and were more than excited to try one out. Daddy took his kayak upstream a bit and let you ride with him for about 100 yards. You really seemed to enjoy the brief trip. Once you get a little bigger, you'll get to join Daddy on the 3 hour trek through Trammel and Drake's Creek.

Gage doing what he loves - playing with rocks

Headed down stream

Kayaking with Daddy

Watching Daddy pass by the house
I love you,

Monday, May 6, 2013

Happy 5 months, Gabe!

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Gabe, yesterday was May 5, so that means it was your five month birthday. Some recent milestones include rolling over from back to belly, discovering your feet, eating solid food and just being adorable. You're growing up so fast, and we're loving every minute!

Gabe - 5 months
Gage - 5 months

I love you,

Feeding baby Gabe

Dear Gage and Gabe,

At your four month check up Gabe, Dr Chris gave us the green light to start you on solid foods. Gage, when you were eating baby food, we made a lot of it from our fresh vegetables from the garden. Since Gabe, you are starting solids a little earlier in the growing season, you're going to get your start on some jarred food. There is nothing wrong with that, and you'll be getting your fair share of home grown goodies in no time.

Your first food was green beans. We let you try them on a very empty stomach, so you were less than interested in the green goodness being shoveled into your mouth. After a few failed scoops, we postponed the food until after you nursed. The second attempt was much more successful and you ate every bite. We started you out with food twice a day and then gradually added more feedings. We have also added a little variety to your diet by introducing you to different foods. In addition to the green beans, you have had green peas, sweet potatos (fresh and jarred), squash, sweet carrots, pears and peaches. You have done well with each different food and seem to enjoy them all equally. I can't wait for our garden to start producing vegetables, so you can taste all the goodness the Payne "farm" has to offer!

Excited about green beans


Gage is such a big helper. He loves to feed baby Gabe.

I love you both,

Easter 2013

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We celebrated Easter this year a week late since I had to work. We were not able to go to Indiana to see the extended family but we were able to have a belated celebration with the immediate family. On Sunday, April 7, everyone came over for an egg hunt and Easter feast. Dows and Jett came over a little early to help us get things ready. You all had a great time coloring and decorating the eggs.

Coloring eggs with Dows

Baskets for the kiddos

By the time everyone arrived, the Easter Bunny had paid a visit and it was time to hunt eggs. Gage, you took right off and raced into the yard, picking up several eggs along the way. You had a lot of fun collecting eggs. Gabe, you were oblivious to the events that were taking place, but you still managed to find your egg.

Gage on the hunt

Sissy found her egg!

Basket full of eggs

Gage, later on in the afternoon after a diaper change, you refused to let Daddy put your pants back on. I was in the other room feeding baby Gabe, so you can imagine my surprise when I go outside and see you running around sans pants. The whole family was over and some friends, but you were not embarrassed in the least!

Family photo

After the hunt, we ate a wonderful dinner and followed that up with some tasty dessert. We had a lot of fun visiting with the family and celebrating such a joyous occasion.

Oreo eggs :)

Baby Gabe and his Easter basket toy

The boys found their eggs

I love you both so very much,

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Big, big bed

Dear Gage and Gabe,

We made some big changes recently in the sleeping department. Gabe, since you nearly outgrew the bassinet, it was time to move you to the crib. And Gage, since you were sleeping in the crib-turned- toddlerbed, it was time to move you upstairs to your new room. We bought full size bunkbeds some time ago and there is a twin trundle beneath the bottom bunk. We bought a mattress and some awesome bedding to help make a smooth transition. We were worried about how you would react to sleeping upstairs, but you have done so well. You love your new room and your big boy bed! You both have made the transition so well, and we couldn't be happier!

Gabe crowded in the bassinet

Much more space in the crib

Gage in his big boy bed, surrounded by Buzz and Woody :)

I love you both so much,