My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What fun is a toy?

Dear Gage,

Now that you're crawling at lightning fast speed, you get your hands on/in everything! We can't keep you in one room. You are always out and about, exploring every nook and cranny of the house. You are no longer content to sit with your basket of toys or your basketball goal. No, you would rather play with the empty diet Coke box, the dog food bowl, the dog food bag, the compost bucket. Anything you shouldn't be playing with, you do. Everything in this house has been moved up a level or stashed away in a closet. We can no longer keep picture frames on the bottom of the book shelf, DVDs on the entertainment center, the Wii remotes on the charger. What are we going to do when you start walking?

And I promise, we do clothe you.

I love you,

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