My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Friday, September 30, 2011

Play ball

Dear Gage,

Your Dada brought home a green bouncy ball for you. While it is still too big for you to actually hold, you love to bat it around and chase after it.

I love you,

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Walker fun

Dear Gage,

You have mastered your walker. You still have trouble navigating around corners and turns, but on a straight stretch, you are unstoppable. And it hurts to get hit. We have all learned to get out of your way. Even Emma dog got a lesson tonight!

I love you,

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Women's Half Marathon

Dear Gage,

We went to Nashville this weekend so Mommy could run in her first half marathon since you were born.  Some girls that I work with at Walgreens created a team called the Pharm Phatales to compete in the Women's Half Marathon. When we got to Nashville last night we checked into the hotel and then headed down to the Convention Center to pick up my race bib, goodie bag and T-shirt. You have never been to such a big city, so you were staring at all the tall buildings and cheesing it up for the passersby. We carb loaded at a restaurant called Demo's and then settled in for the night.

Since the race started at 7am, I went with the girls to the starting line and let you and Dada sleep in. You both got up around 8 and made your way to the finish line. The weather was absolutely perfect for the 13.1 mile race. Clear skies and 65ºF. I completed the race with a time of 1:58:42 and was greeted by your smiling face. You are Mommy's biggest fan! Thank you for supporting me!

Mommy's biggest fan

My motivator!

Woot, woot Pharm Phatales!

I love you,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Snack time

Dear Gage,

You are learning to feed yourself, one Cheerio at a time. Most of them still end up in the floor, Emma's fur, or in the high chair, but every once in a while, one reaches your mouth. You are growing up way too fast. What happened to my little baby? You are such a big boy!

Num, num!

I love you,

What fun is a toy?

Dear Gage,

Now that you're crawling at lightning fast speed, you get your hands on/in everything! We can't keep you in one room. You are always out and about, exploring every nook and cranny of the house. You are no longer content to sit with your basket of toys or your basketball goal. No, you would rather play with the empty diet Coke box, the dog food bowl, the dog food bag, the compost bucket. Anything you shouldn't be playing with, you do. Everything in this house has been moved up a level or stashed away in a closet. We can no longer keep picture frames on the bottom of the book shelf, DVDs on the entertainment center, the Wii remotes on the charger. What are we going to do when you start walking?

And I promise, we do clothe you.

I love you,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Push car

Dear Gage,

We got out the little push car today. It folds out so you can practice walking, or you can just sit on it and ride. You're still too little for the walking assistance, and you can't quite push yourself to ride, but you do enjoy sitting on it. And it appears you take after Mommy. You already have road rage!

"Get out of my way!"

I love you,

Monday, September 12, 2011

Angry/Annoyed/Frustrated/Excited Face

Dear Gage,

You have recently started making a face when you're angry or excited or frustrated or annoyed. You scrunch up your nose, curl up your lip and breathe through your teeth. It is so funny.

I love you,

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Playtime with Jett

Dear Gage,

Today Granny, Pa, Maddie, Dowwoe and Jett came over for a late lunch. After we ate, we went outside to enjoy the beautiful day. Dada was playing ball with Maddie and Jett and you really enjoyed watching them.  Jett started to toss the ball with you and even though it was a little big for you, you had fun. Jett made up a new game. He would run away with the ball and then run back to you. You laughed hysterically each time he came running back to you.

After playing outside, we came back in the house and Jett played MarioKart on the Wii. You were fascinated with the game and you loved watching Jett play.

I love you,


Dear Gage,

You saw your reflection in the front door and you were so excited. There was another baby to play with!

I love you,

Balloons, Tunes and BBQ

Dear Gage,

Yesterday we went to the Balloons, Tunes and Barbecue festival at the airport with Dowwoe, Jett, Neenee and Kaydence. The weather was really nice when we first got there, but there were some dark clouds looming in the distance. We set Jett loose at the inflatable fair and he jumped and jumped and jumped.  Around 5, when the balloon race was supposed to start, there was an announcement that instead of the balloons taking off from the airport, they would be flying in. As we listened to the wonderful music, we searched the sky for the incoming balloons. But none ever came. Instead came the rain. Luckily, we were close to a tent and we were able to take shelter from the downpour. We were hoping the rain would subside, but after about 30 minutes under the tent, there was an announcement that thunderstorms were heading our direction. We had a brief reprieve from the rain and decided it was time to leave. As we made our way out to the car, we saw a beautiful rainbow peaking out from the clouds. We may not have gotten to see any balloons, but we were still able to see a show in the sky!

Baby Kaydence

Playing with Dowwoe under the tent

Jett and the rainbow

I love you,

Friday, September 9, 2011

Visit to Rockcastle County

Dear Gage,

Yesterday we traveled to Rockcastle County to visit your Dada's half sisters. They had never met you before, so this was quite a treat for everyone. We stopped to see Lehoma first. You got to meet your cousins Angie and Gracie while we were there as well. Auntie Lehoma hooked you up with some cute UK apparel. You are ready for basketball season!

Our next stop was to see Lois "Laney" in Brodhead. She showed us pictures of Dada when he was a little boy and some pictures of Dada's father, your Grandpa, before he passed away. It was a nice trip down memory lane.

Grandpa Payne - your Dada doesn't see the resemblance, but I think it's quite obvious

Our last stop was to see Diane, your Dada's oldest sister. She was at work, but was able to take a little break to meet you.

Everyone was so excited to meet you and you were such a good boy. Thank you for being such an awesome, well-behaved boy!

I love you,

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Dear Gage,

Today you got your bib turned around backwards. You looked like a little Superbaby. And you thought you were too!

These were taken post car accident. Back to your usual playful self.

I love you,

Car Accident

Dear Gage,

Today you and your Dada were involved in your first car accident. You both are perfectly fine, as is the girl in the other vehicle.

Recap: You and Dada were in the big truck, going over to help Proffitt get his car out of the ditch. You all were going up a hill around the spring and a girl in a Mustang came over the hill. She wasn't exactly on her side of the road, and Dada swerved to miss her. Unfortunately, it was a little too late and she sideswiped the truck. The front driver's side tire was knocked off the axle and you all went into the ditch. Luckily Dada wasn't driving too fast, so the truck didn't flip. But there was quite a bit of damage to the truck. The front tire went rolling down the hill and it was never found. The rear driver's side tire was damaged, and there was quite a bit of damage down the driver's side door. Dada said you didn't even cry when it happened. You were in your rear facing car seat in the back seat, playing with your toys.

We took you to see Dr. Chris and he said you are perfectly healthy and quite a little trooper. I am so happy you both are uninjured. We can't say that for the truck, but I would trade that truck anyday for the health of my boys.

I love you very much,

Monday, September 5, 2011

Bon Fire

Dear Gage,

Your Dada has been itching to burn the pile of brush from when he cleared out some dead trees earlier this summer. With the cold snap and the rain, tonight seemed like the perfect time. This was your first bon fire and you were absolutely fascinated by it!

Hanging out with Dada by the fire

Pretty fire

Playing in the grass

I love you, fire child,

Fresh taters

Dear Gage,

You found the box containing our freshly dug potatoes. You were not a fan of the potatoes when we tried feeding them to you about a month ago, but you sure enjoyed them in whole form. I caught you right when you put one in your mouth.  "God made dirt, and dirt don't hurt," has become a common phrase in this household!


I love you,

Rubber Ducky

Dear Gage,

You love bath time with your rubber ducky!

I love you, water baby,

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Dear Gage,

While on one of your crawling adventures, you discovered the stairs. There is new and unexplored territory up that hill, but that new territory isn't yours for the taking yet. When you're a little bigger, we'll let you take to the stairs, but right now, you're fine on the main floor. Baby gate, check!

I love you,

No Recycling

Dear Gage,

We let you run loose in the walker and you decided to take out our can receptacle. Now Gagey bear, we like to recycle, so you better not let your Dada catch you knocking down the cans again! :)

I love you,

Playtime with Maddie

Dear Gage,

It was so cute to watch you and Maddie play on the table activity center. The table has two settings: learn mode and song mode.  You can learn your ABC's and 123's or you can dance and play music. You both had a great time playing together.  I'm so glad you both have something in common! :)

I love you,