My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Arm hickies

Dear Gage,

For some time now, you have sucked on your arm so much you've given yourself a hickey. I don't really understand what's so great about your arm, considering you have a THUMB and a PACIFIER. Once every week or so, you give yourself a nice little bruise on your arm. It looks so bad! I'm sure people that see us out wonder what we've done to you! I feel like you should wear a disclaimer bib, "My mommy doesn't beat me. I just suck my arm."

I love you, vampire boy,

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Daddy's birthday

Dear Gage,

Last Wednesday, June 22nd, Daddy celebrated his 30th birthday! Mommy had to work that week, so we didn't get to have a big party.  But we still had a cake (thanks to your granny dowwoe) and presents. Daddy got the gun he wanted, and he got to spend the day with you!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

(Nevermind the mismatched candles. We already had the 3 from Madeline's birthday, but Walgreens didn't have a matching 0. Or a matching 3 and 0.)

I love you,

Running buddies

Dear Gage,

Today you went on a 5 mile run with mommy at Keriakes park. The weather was perfect: sunshine and a nice cool breeze. You really enjoyed it, and it gave mommy a great workout! Can't wait to go back again!

I love you, running buddy!

Big boy bed

Dear Gage,

Last night you slept in your big boy bed for the first night! Success!!

I love you big boy,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Father's Day

Dear Gage,

Last Sunday was Father's Day. This wasn't your daddy's first Father's day, but his first with you! We had a really nice, relaxing day. Maddie came over and spent the day with us. We cooked daddy's favorite meal, and you got him a really special collage. He absolutely loved it!

I love you,

Sunday, June 26, 2011

About time

Dear Gage,

As much as I love having you sleep in your bassinet beside our bed, and as much as it pains me to think about you sleeping in the other room, I think it's time for you to sleep in your big boy bed at night. You don't have any room left in your bassinet. It's actually quite sad. I feel terribly for leaving you in it for so long, but every night that I considered doing it, I got cold feet. This week will be the week :(

I love you, big boy,

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rollie Pollie

Dear Gage,

You have been rolling over for quite some time now. Belly to back in April and back to belly in May. You have recently (in the past couple of weeks), started putting both those new talents together. So much, that you don't stay on your play mat for very long.

I love you rollie pollie,

Jumping Jack Flash

Dear Gage,

You love your jumper!

And we love you,

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Little Giggler

Dear Gage,

Your giggle is hands down, the most beautiful, wonderful, and most magical sound in the whole wide world. I love it so much!!

I love you so much, my little giggler!

Littlest Biggest Colts fan

Dear Gage,

We love the Indianapolis Colts, even when they choke during the playoffs. We can not forget our roots.

Love you,

More baby food

Dear Gage,

Your Granny Dowwoe came over today to help restock your food supply. You will be so excited to know that we now have stock pile of yellow squash, zucchini, and beets for you! Enjoy!!

Love you,

Visit to Emma

Dear Gage,

Today, you went on your first "date" with Emma. You were a little skeptical of her at first, but you really warmed up to her after a bit. She wasn't a big fan of you playing on her play mat, but you weren't too excited about her playing with your doggy. We're going to have to work on sharing, but other than that, the date was a success. I can't wait for you to play with her again. I think you all will be great friends!!

Holding hands :)

Well hello there!

I love my new friend!!

I love you,

Hello Toofer!

Dear Gage,

You cut your first tooth yesterday! I can't believe how big you're getting! It seems like only yesterday you were born. Where has all the time gone? Four and a half months later, you're eating vegetables and cutting teeth. What's next? College?

I love you big boy,

Monday, June 6, 2011

Homemade Babyfood

Dear Gage,

We harvested the garden for the first time this season, so I took advantage and made you some babyfood! Now you get to enjoy garden fresh veggies too!

Yummy beets and squash!

I love you,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Marsupial Mommy

Dear Gage,

You really seem to enjoy being packed around in the pouch as long as you are able to look forward and see what's going on. It also helps Mommy free up her hands so she can get some things done.

I love you, little kangaroo,

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Open mouth, insert foot

Dear Gage,

You managed to get your toes into your mouth today, and you just couldn't be happier! So long paci, hello toes!

Hmm, what is this?

I think I like this!

I love you silly boy,

Friday, June 3, 2011

Johnny Jumper

Dear Gage,

Today you tried out your jumper for the first time. You weren't really sure what to do with it at first, but once you figured it out, you had a blast! In fact, you loved it so much you decided to sleep in it! :)

 This is pretty cool!

I can spin myself around!

Sleepy town

You are so precious to me,

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Big Boy Bed

Dear Gage,

You have almost outgrown your bassinet, so it's nearly time to move you to your big boy bed. We had a trial run a few days ago for naptime. I thought you would really enjoy all the extra space of your crib, but you managed to twist yourself around to position yourself in a bassinet-esque position. Maybe you like feeling a little crowded?

Tight fit in the bassinet

 Watching your mobile

Sleepy town boy

Love you,

Christmas in June

Dear Gage,

We found this cute little sleeper in a box of hand-me-downs from your cousin Jett. When Christmas time rolls around, you most definitely won't be able to wear it. Who says you can't wear a Christmas sleeper in June? Especially when you look so darn cute!!

Love you Lil' Reindeer!

Four Month Check-up

Dear Gage,

Yesterday, you went to see Dr. Chris for your four month check-up.  You weigh 13lbs 8oz and you're now 25.5 inches long! That puts you in the 50th percentile of weight and 75th for height! We couldn't be more happy with your growth and development!! We were given the green light to start feeding you fruits and veggies too. We decided to start you out with some peas and you really seemed to enjoy them. I can't wait until our garden starts producing vegetables, so I can put my babyfood cookbook to use! I'd say within 2 weeks you'll be enjoying garden fresh veggies with us!!

Love you sweetie-pie!

PS - I'm sorry about you-know-what. It really is for your own good.