My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, February 23, 2015

Jackson's Orchard - 9/20/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Every fall we like to go to Jackson's Orchard. We usually go in October during the Pumpkin Fest, but this year, we went on a weekend before the festival began. It was Symphony Saturday at the Orchard and it was lovely. Local high school symphonies as well as WKU's Symphony played beautiful music by the lake. I brought some lawn chairs and we just relaxed and listened to the music. During intermission, we went and grabbed some lunch and listened some more.

There was a tent set up called an "Instrument Petting Zoo" and Gage, you were able to hold a miniature violin and play a song. You thought it was really cool.

Playing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
We posed in front of the apple growth chart.

My friend Stephanie and her son Courtland met us up there around noon. We went over to the play area and took rides down the Cider Slider, played in the hay maze and then walked through the real petting zoo. You boys loved every bit of the day and really enjoyed all the animals.

Riding down the Cider Slider with Mommy

Playing in the hay

Taking a rest on the hay

Mr. Courtland

Feeding the cows

Look, it's a baby wallaby! And it's wearing a diaper!

Feeding some sheep

Holding the fluffy rabbit

Petting the diaper clad wallaby
We had a great time and look forward to going back again next fall.

I love you,

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Balloons, Tunes and BBQ - 9/4/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Bowling Green had its annual Balloons, Tunes and BBQ Festival in September. We went on Thursday, which was family night. They didn't have any live music but we weren't there for the tunes. We were there to play. Dows and KD went with us and we all had a great time riding rides and playing in the inflatable park.

Riding the train

Gabe, you didn't think it was that bad

Of course, there were fighter planes

And old cars

There were a few hot air balloons to look at

Jumping in the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

Gabe, the only way you would go down the slide was
backwards and on your tummy

Fighting brothers

Posing with the giant potato
I love you,

Holiday World - 8/24/14

Dear Gage and Gabe,
I won two free tickets to Holiday World this past summer on I was so excited! For one, I don't ever win anything and for another, this meant I could introduce you boys to Holiday World. When I was your age, I lived in Fort Branch, Indiana and we would go to Holiday World every summer. My aunts, uncles and cousins and us would all get together and we would make a day of it. Of course when I was young, there was no Splashin' Safari and there weren't any of the big wooden roller coasters. They had the Fire Cracker and Log Ride, and that was what mattered to me. 
I won the tickets late in the summer, so we had to go on a weekend. The park had already closed during the week. I was worried about it being really busy on a Sunday in late August, but the lines weren't long and there wasn't a huge crowd. We started out at the kiddie section of the park and let you boys try out all the kiddie rides. It was a hot day, so we took advantage of the free drinks and loaded up on Gatorade and water.  

Obligatory family photo with Santa

Gabe riding the fish

Gage riding the fish

Gabe, you loved the Seahorse ride

Gage, you thought the Seahorses were pretty cool too.

Of course, there had to be fighter planes
After some rides, we decided to take a walk and tour the park. We found another kiddie section and had some lunch.
We visited with Holidog
After lunch, we changed clothes and made our way to the Splashin Safari to cool off in the water. We found the lazy river and took a few trips around the circle. It was so relaxing and refreshing. Gage, you wanted to swim the entire time and Gabe, you just held on for the ride.


Playing in the kiddie pool

We stayed in the shallow water when the Wave started.

We cooled off with some ice cream before heading back out into the main park
The first big ride we came to once leaving the waterpark was the Raging Rapids. I love that ride and luckily, Gage, you were tall enough to ride with me. It was so much fun. You rode once with me and once with Daddy. We made our rounds through the park and rode a variety of different rides.

Gage and Mommy on the Raging Rapids

I rode these canoes when I was your age, Gage

We found a game that lets you win every time, so you all got a prize

We took a ride on the old timey cars and Gage, you drove us through the course

We loved the carousel

Gage, you were supposed to ride the Log Ride with me, but you
chickened out at the last second. I had to ride solo.

Gabe, you decided you'd had enough and were ready for a nap
We had a wonderful time at Holiday World. I look forward to when you all are a little older so we can take full advantage of the park. I'm eager to try out the new roller coasters and some of those big water slides.
I love you,

Monday, February 2, 2015

Gabe Tucks in his Monkey

Dear Gage and Gabe,
Gabe, you have a little blanket that you absolutely love. You call it your "Cold" and drag it with you everywhere. We can't go to town without Cold, you can't play without Cold nearby and you most definitely will NOT go to sleep without Cold. When we wash Cold, we have to be sneaky or you will stand at the washer and watch it with tears in your eyes. You love your Cold.
You also have a little monkey that you like to sleep with. You're not as attached to Monk Monk as you are to Cold, but you have a special place in your heart for him. Daddy got this little video last night of you caring for Monk Monk. You like to share every once in a while. 
I love you,