My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Happy 11 Months, Gabe!

Dear Gabe and Gage,

On November 5, Gabe, you turned 11 months old! Since your last monthly update, you've grown your seventh tooth. You have also been eating more table foods and drinking a little juice. You love to walk along the couch and chairs. You can't quite stand and walk alone, but I think you'll be on the move before too long. You crawl everywhere and you love to follow Gage around. You're babbling and "talking" more now too. You've added m's to your vocabulary, so I love hearing the Mma Mma's. Of course, Da Da is still your favorite word, but I'm really working with you! You're growing up too fast!

Gabe - 11/5/13 - 11 Months Old

Gage - 12/28/11 - 11 Months Old
I love you,

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