My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy 2 Months, Baby Gabe

Dear Gage and Gabe,

Yesterday was February 5, so that meant Gabe, you turned 2 months old! We took you to see Dr. Chris today for your 2 month check up and Gage, you got to see Dr. Chris for your 2 year check up.
Below are the ever important growth statistics:

Gabe - 10lbs 15oz (25th percentile) and 23 1/2 inches long (65th percentile)

Gage - 31 lbs (75th percentile) and 36 1/2 inches tall (90th percentile)

You both are growing and developing well and Dr. Chris was very pleased. Gabe, I can't believe you've already gained 5 pounds since birth! It's hard to believe you used to weigh less than 6 pounds. Ironically enough, Gage, at your 2 month check up, you weighed 10 lbs, 15 oz and were 23 3/8 inches long! Gabe has caught up with your growth trends!

Gabe, at 2 months
Gage, at 2 months
I love you both very much,

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