My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Adelynne!

Dear Gage,

On Sunday September 23, we went to celebrate Adelynne's first birthday. You ate a hot dog for lunch and a cupcake and ice cream for dessert. After blowing out her candle, Adelynne opened her presents. We got her a little electronic learning toy that she really seemed to like. You liked it too. In fact, you liked it so much you took it away from the birthday girl to play with. We really need to work on your sharing skills. Luckily she was distracted with her other gifts, so she didn't seem to mind. Other than that one incident, you both played really well together.

Beautiful Mommy and birthday girl
Playing with Adelynne
Opening presents
I love you,

WKU vs Southern Mississippi

Dear Gage,

On Saturday September 22, we went to watch the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers take on the Southern Mississippi Golden Eagles. We were part of the record breaking 23,000 + fans in the stadium! It was awesome to be in that environment with all the fans supporting red and white. The Hilltoppers started off with a dominating lead and never looked back. They won the game 42-17 and advanced to 3-1 on the season. We're proud to be fans of the Hilltoppers! Go Tops!

Go Tops!
Daddy and Gage

Posing with Mommy
Jett enjoying the game

Sharing popcorn with Jett
I love you,

Allen County-Scottsville Homecoming

Dear Gage,

On Friday September 21, we went to the Allen County-Scottsville Homecoming game. Your big Sissy was voted to represent the Jr. Beta Club and walked out during half time escorted by her boyfriend Josh. She wore a beautiful royal blue dress and silver heels. She looked absolutely gorgeous! While she didn't win Homecoming Queen, it was so great to see her out there representing her club and looking pretty.

Madeline and Josh

Playing with Sissy :)

Proud Daddy and his beautiful kiddos

We watched the first half of the game and feasted on some concession food. You liked the chips, but were weary of the cheese. I don't blame you there.

Eating "chipsssss" with Granny

I love you,

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Balloons, Tunes and BBQ Festival 2012 (9/8/12)

Dear Gage,

On Saturday, September 8, we went to the 2012 Balloon, Tunes and BBQ Festival at the airport. This year we didn't get rained out, so we were able to enjoy the festival. You were also big enough to ride on some of the carnival rides, so that was a lot of fun.

We walked around when we first got there and you were immediately amazed by the "big cow!" No matter where we went, you would always revert your attention back to the cow! We listened to the live music for a while and you danced a little. Granny, Pa, and Jeffrey met us there and we went to ride some of the rides. You've never ridden carnival rides, so this was a new experience for you.

You and Daddy posing under the "big cow"
I took you on the Carousel first. We posed for several pictures on the horses but ended up sitting in one of the seats for the ride. You also rode the Carousel with Pa and Granny. There were several other rides that were your size, so you gave those a try. You rode solo on the boats. We were a little worried about how you would do on the boats all alone, but you were such a big boy. You held on tight and even steered the wheel. After the boats, you rode the baby roller coaster with Daddy. Poor Daddy could hardly fit in the little car, but you both seemed to enjoy yourselves very much! Your favorite ride was the giant slide. You went down multiple times with Daddy and Jeffy and once with Pa. You had so much fun!!

Posing with Momma on the Carousel
Riding the Carousel with Momma
On the roller coaster with Daddy

Look at the balloon!
Riding with Pa
Big boy on the boats all by himself
Driving the boat
Sliding with Daddy
Looking at balloons with Pa
Riding with Granny
I love you,

Monday, September 24, 2012

Big Boy Bed

Dear Gage,

In anticipation of the arrival of your baby brother, we decided to get you a big boy bed. Once the new baby arrives, he'll need the nursery. Of course it will be a while before he will sleep in the crib, as you slept in the bassinet in our room for about 12 weeks or more. But we wanted to go ahead and get ready for your big move upstairs to your big boy room and your big boy bed. We decided to get you something you'll grow with, and something you and your brother will be able to share. We might have to start you out in the twin trundle until you graduate to the full size bottom bunk. It's a little big right now, but you won't stay small for long :)

Big Boy Full on Full Bunkbeds

I love you,

Monday, September 10, 2012

Happy First Birthday, Kaydence and Molly!

Dear Gage,

On August 11, we helped celebrate your two youngest cousins first birthdays! Kaydence turned one on August 3 and Molly turned one on August 20.

Birthday Girl Kaydence :)

Birthday Girl Molly
It was a joint celebration at the Sleep Inn with a large crowd. I was asked to bring some themed Oreo pops. I made some decorated like lady bugs for Molly and some decorated like monkeys for Kaydence. They didn't quite turn out the way I had imagined them to, but they were tasty just the same.

Ladybug Pops

Monkey Pops
After a yummy lunch and visiting with family and friends, it was time to watch the girls eat their cakes. They were both hesitant to start, but soon dove right in. Both girls were completely covered in cake and icing!

Kaydence's cake face
Molly's cake face
After cake, it was time for presents. Each girl was spoiled with new clothes and toys! Everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves. It was so great to see everyone and get together for a wonderful celebration. There were several other children at the party, so you were able to run around and play with everyone. You were a really good boy and you played so well with everyone.

Playing with Great Aunt Marlene
Posing with Great Grandma and Grandpa
I love you very much,

You and your ball pit

Dear Gage,

Last night while I was at work, you played with your ball pit in your room. You usually dive in and push the balls through the holes on the pit, or throw a few of them out. But last night, you decided to change things up. You decided you didn't want the ball pit to stand in the corner anymore. Instead, you thought it would look better on its side with all the balls laying in the floor! Oh my! What a mess. Luckily, I didn't have to clean up after your room rearrangement. Poor Daddy.

Caught in the act

Playing with the ball pit!

I love you,

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

19 Month Check Up

Dear Gage,

Last week Daddy took you to see Dr. Chris. We were a month behind for your 18 month appointment so it ended up being your 19 month appointment. You measured 34 3/4 inches tall (95th percentile) and weighed 28 pounds (50th percentile). You're following your usual trend, long and skinny. While you were there you got one vaccine and a seasonal flu shot. This was your last childhood vaccine until you're four, so that was good to hear, and you don't have to go back and see Dr. Chris until after you're two.

Thank you for being a good boy for Dr. Chris!

I love you,

Labor Day Family Celebration

Dear Gage,

Yesterday was Labor Day and we decided to have a little family get together to celebrate the holiday. I got off work at 7 in the morning and came home to get things ready. I cleaned the house while you watched Elmo. You and Daddy then went to town to grab a few last minute items while I finished with the cleaning. I got the house smelling fresh and clean and then took a little nap so I would be rested for the evening.

I got up around 4 and started to get food ready. We did a potluck type thing so I didn't have to do too much cooking. I went out to the garden and picked some green peppers, tomatoes and okra. I put together a veggie tray, made spinach dip, and made macaroni and cheese and Daddy manned the grill and made some yummy hamburgers and hotdogs. Dows brought potato salad and apple pie, Matt and Beth brought baked beans, and Olicia brought some very tasty "homemade" cookies. Dows also fried up some of the okra from the garden.

We had a full house and lots of fun. Our list of guests included Sissy, Dows, Matt, Beth, Jude, Molly, Olicia, Jett, Kristine, Kaydence, cousin Allyson, and Sarah K. Before we ate, you played with all your cousins. The boys decided to get all the balls out of the ball pit and scatter them throughout the house. Once the mess was noticed, I immediately regretting buying those extra balls at a yard sale last weekend. Once all the balls were reunited with their pit, it was time to eat. We all sat down to enjoy the yummy feast. In the middle of dinner we noticed that you had, instead of eating, opted to use the down time for a nap! We let you sleep while we finished eating and cleaning up.

Food makes you sleepy
We wanted to make sure you made the most of your time with everyone, so we woke you up to play with everyone. We all had such a great time catching up with each other and you kids loved all the playtime. I'm so glad everyone was able to make it!
Family photo taken by Allyson with theatrical performance by Sarah K to
get the kiddos looking in the correct general direction.

I love you,