My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dry Land Fishing

Dear Gage,

Rainy and warm spring weather means time for dry land fishing! What are dry land fish, you ask? They're wild mushrooms! There are only a select few that are safe to eat and they are only in season for a few weeks out of the year, so you have to get out quick if you want to enjoy any. We went out to the woods across the road from us last week and didn't find any, but we haven't given up. We just have to look in other areas. You and your Dada went out to your Granny and Pa's woods and came out with about 20 mushrooms. Your Dada brought them home and I dipped them in a little flour and cornmeal and fried them in some oil. Talk about tasty! Your Dada also went hunting with his friend from school and they were able to find a nice mess too. We're hoping to find more, but if we don't manage to find any, we'll be ok. We've gotten to enjoy this delicacy twice this year!

Ready to go dry land fishing, and maybe eat some dirt along the way :)

The morels

Fried up and ready to enjoy

I love you,

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