My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Let Sleeping Gages Lie

Dear Gage,

You have found some very interesting places to lie down and take a nap. The following are just a few of the many examples of where you fall asleep.

Among your toys

While watching Yo Gabba Gabba!

In front of the door on the rug

On the hardwood

Sprawled out on the carpet

Dangling off the couch
We know better than to bother you while you sleep, so we just let sleeping Gage lie.

I love you,

Dry Land Fishing

Dear Gage,

Rainy and warm spring weather means time for dry land fishing! What are dry land fish, you ask? They're wild mushrooms! There are only a select few that are safe to eat and they are only in season for a few weeks out of the year, so you have to get out quick if you want to enjoy any. We went out to the woods across the road from us last week and didn't find any, but we haven't given up. We just have to look in other areas. You and your Dada went out to your Granny and Pa's woods and came out with about 20 mushrooms. Your Dada brought them home and I dipped them in a little flour and cornmeal and fried them in some oil. Talk about tasty! Your Dada also went hunting with his friend from school and they were able to find a nice mess too. We're hoping to find more, but if we don't manage to find any, we'll be ok. We've gotten to enjoy this delicacy twice this year!

Ready to go dry land fishing, and maybe eat some dirt along the way :)

The morels

Fried up and ready to enjoy

I love you,

Garden Time

Dear Gage,

The weather has been unseasonably warm for the past couple of weeks, so we decided to take advantage of it and get to work on the garden. Your Dada tilled up the ground and the marked the area off into rows. Since it is still a little early for the summer plants, we planted some cold weather plants. We planted potatoes, onions, beets, and cabbage. Of course you were out there every step of the way! You loved playing in the dirt and picking up rocks and sticks. You are such a good little helper!

I'm ready for garden time!

Digging a hole
Picking out which seeds to plant

Thank you for all your help! I love you!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Stormy weather

Dear Gage,

On Friday, March the second, a huge wave of storms came through Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Indiana. We were very lucky not to have gotten the severe tornadoes that dessimated some areas in Eastern Kentucky and Southern Indiana, but we had our own little scare.

The weather channel had been forecasting the bad weather for several days, so we were expecting the worst. Around 4pm, your Dada came and got me out of bed (it was my week to work, so I was sleeping during the day), and he told me it was time to take cover. A potential tornado was coming straight for us. I got up in a panic and we were just about to run out the back door to get to the crawl space under the house, when the rain and hail started. We decided to take cover in the middle of the house and waited out the storm.  The hail started out in little pellets and gradually grew to the size of marbles. The rain came down in sheets and the wind howled. After about 10 minutes the storm was over, but it was a very scary 10 minutes.

We got the camera out and took some photos of the aftermath. We had hail covering the deck and yard. Several trees were knocked over in the woods, with a few falling into the yard. There was no damage to the house or vehicles, thank goodness! A tornado didn't hit our area, but the wind and storm had tornadic potential. 
Hail covered yard

No damage to the vehicles

Debris and limbs in the yard
While we were very lucky not to have any damage or injuries, many people were not so lucky. Several towns were destroyed and over 30 lives were lost. I thank the Lord for keeping us safe, and never again will we wait until the last minute to take cover.

I love you dearly,

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy Birthday, Uncle Jeffy!

Dear Gage,

On March the oneth (that's how Jeffy said his birthday when he was little), your Uncle Jeffrey celebrated his 27th birthday. He was able to be in Kentucky that day, so we celebrated with a peanut butter chocolate cheesecake. We were happy to have him with us on his special day, and you were happy he decided to share his cheesecake with you!

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Jeffy, happy birthday to you!

You're supposed to blow out the fire!

Thanks for sharing with me, Uncle Jeffy!
I love you,