My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Visit(s) with Santa

Dear Gage,

A couple of Saturdays ago, we took you up to the mall to visit with Santa. I think I was more excited for you to meet him than you were. In fact, I know that is the case. When I handed you to Santa to sit on his lap, you were anything but excited. Needless to say, you didn't get to tell Santa what you wanted for Christmas.

This past week, while we were in the mall, we decided to give you another opportunity to tell Santa your little heart's desires. This time went much better than last! Thank goodness. I don't think Santa could have handled another round of sad Gage. I know it was a little frightening to be thrown into the lap of a white haired stranger, but thank you for being a trooper. You made Mommy very happy!

I love you,

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