My beautiful family

My beautiful family

Monday, January 25, 2016

Camping in Somerset (9/18/15)

Dear Gage, Gabe and Grant,

In September, we went east to Pulaski County to visit Daddy's property outside of Somerset. We like to go once or twice a year just to check it out and try to clean it up a little. We hadn't been since last August, so our visit was very much overdue. We decided to make it a fun camping trip and since there is no electricity or running water, this would be our most primitive camping trip yet.

We got to Somerset a little after 1pm and stopped to refuel and grab a quick lunch. We were out to the property in no time, and I was eager to get the tent and our camping site established. Since we hadn't been there in a while and since no one lives there, Daddy had to mow us down an area to set up camp. Once he mowed enough to park the trailer on the property, I took over with the push mower and cleared out a little spot for the tents. Daddy finished up mowing our living space while I set up the tents. I put up the big tent and a little tent for you big boys to play inside. You all played so well while I finished getting everything set up.

By the time we had everything set up and organized, it was time to start a fire and start prepping dinner. Your Aunt Diane came out to visit and later, her daughter Crystal (your cousin) came over with three of her four children. We grilled sausage and cooked green beans and potatoes over the fire. We also make some okra gumbo and ate some pasta salad that I had made at home. It was a delicious, fire roasted feast. Of course, we topped it all off with S'mores, your favorite!

Grant and Aunt Diane
Grant and JC

Grant and Jamica

Daddy and his big sissy, Diane

Daddy, Crystal and Diane
Aunt Diane and Jansen spent the night in the little tent. When we woke up the next morning, we cooked breakfast over the fire. After we finished eating, we played for a little while and took the 4 wheeler around the property. But before long, it was time to pack up and head home. On our way, we stopped at the cemetery to visit Daddy's Dad and his brother.

Visiting Grandpa and Uncle Junior
We had a wonderful visit and a great time camping. I was a little nervous about our "primitive" camping, but a generator and some bottled water made the trip complete.

I love you,

Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow Days 2016

Dear Gage, Gabe, and Grant,

Once again I find myself very far behind with my letters to you boys. It seems time just slips away. I will try to do better. There's been a lot missed in the past few months, so I will try to get back to those. But I figure I would start with our current situation: SNOW! We had our first big snow fall of 2016 on Wednesday. We woke up to a nice blanket of snow and the snow continued until about 10am. We watched it fall from the warmth of our home, but you boys were itching to get outside and play.

The view from our front porch

View from the back deck
Once we got dressed in our winter attire, it was time to take on the snow!

Bundled up and ready to take on the snow

Gage making a snow angel

Gabe making a snow angel
Check out all this white stuff!

Sledding with big brother

This sledding isn't so bad!

Got out the big sled for you all to ride on

 And of course, no snowfall is complete without a large bowl of snow cream! Delish!

On Thursday, the roads were clear enough for us to run some errands. We spent most of the day out and about so we didn't get to play in the snow much. The weatherman was predicting another huge round of snow, so we knew there would be more time to play. Overnight, we got some freezing rain and sleet and by the time we woke up on Friday, the snow was coming down. It was absolutely beautiful. The snowflakes were so large and fluffy. I just love watching the snow fall.

Snowfall from the front door

Icicles off the play set

Frozen branch

Snowday selfie with my Gage

Looking down to the creek - beautiful

The snow was a little too deep for snow angels.

I'd say the second storm brought in around 8 inches of snow. Add that to what was already on the ground and we'll be playing in the snow for days to come. 

I love you,